Ihre Kommentare

It was just disabled on a blanket scale for the entire campaign. Chances are it'll instead be parred down to the levels it effects.

If you can please feel free to. If you do clear reproduction steps and save files as before will be great.

Good to hear, marking as complete.

Definitely something in that output_log.txt so I'll pass this straight on to code.

In the meantime can you confirm that you've followed the steps in these topics: General Crash Troubleshooting, Startup Crashes

Confirmed that this is happening on Campaign Levels Home Realm & C13, but not in Sandbox.

That's rather unusual. It should just take 3 slaps to dismiss them and if the slap animation is playing I would imagine it's hitting correctly.

I just dismissed a behemoth about 5 minutes ago so it seems to be working, unless it's a particular titan you're having issues with?

No news yet I'm afraid friends. Cleaned up the OP as requested above.

Closing due to lack of customer response.