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Thanks a lot for all of this data. I apologise that I have yet to have time to review everything you've provided as I've been getting ready to wrap up for the holidays. 

I will be on leave until the new year from tomorrow but I will be pushing for us to plan for another WFTO maintenance patch in 2022 if we can afford the resources to do so. As part of that I'd like to get us a chance to look into this if we can.

I'll be in touch if there's anything more we can pull here. Cheers,


Hi Evgeny,

Please see this KB Article: Crashes on Startup After Splash & Loading in v2.0.8 that should tell you how to roll down your version.



Hi Kai,

Can you upload your DXDiag for me as well? How To: Generate a DXDiag Report.



Hi wftoEric,

Thanks for all these details and including your logs and DXDiag as well as taking the time to test out various settings in the AMD Control Panel. This is a lingering issue that I think is rapidly moving up our triage list to investigate due to the number of AMD users seemingly affected across all PC Platforms. 

It is certainly very peculiar and not what one would expect as the game runs generally very well on Nvidia, which I regret to say is what our work PCs have exclusively used since 2017. I'd really like to get this in front of a developer's eyes when we're next doing a pass on WFTO.

My suspicion is that for some reason something in AMD's software isn't playing nicely with WFTO's UI Middleware CoherentGT, which is third-party. The issue seems to get worse when playing at larger resolutions which could potentially make sense if we consider that the UICanvas grows dynamically with the resolution. I would suspect that if there was no UI at all the game's FPS would be pretty stable for you.

I think the prospector FPS drop may be unrelated but I will investigate to see if I can replicate that particular issue on Nvidia hardware or not.

I'd like to ask if you can fiddle with some more options on the AMD side until we can rebuild a testbed for AMD (we dropped our AMD QA Machine in 2020 when we moved out of the office in response to Covid) 

I've not seen an AMD configuration in quite some time however so the very best I can request is to disable all features where possible or select performance option where required specifically for WFTO. If the problem persists we can reasonably assume that adjusting the options available to the end-user are unlikely to yield results. It might be helpful for me to see a screenshot of your configuration for WFTO in their software.



Hi Yevhen,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the game. Sounds like you've already found a similar ticket which had the same issue with our currently recommended work around.

To roll back your game to 2.0.7 do the following:

  1. In your "installed games" list on the GOG Galaxy client right click War for the Overworld
  2. From the manage installation tab select "Configure installation"
  3. In the beta channels drop down select "Unity Engine 5.4.6 (WFTO 2.0.7f1)"
  4. Click OK, your game should then update to the correct version.

Let me know how you get on and if this temporarily solves your issue. I'd also love to get a hold of the crash log from you Posting Output Logs



Definitely a problem and one that's been known for a while. I'll make sure this is in our backlog and ask if we can investigate when we next do a pass on WFTO.

Hi Tomined,

Apologies for the delay in my response it's been a busy few weeks as we worked on a significant internal milestone on our current project.

I've seen a similar issue reported by another OS X user on GOG and I think that there's something wrong with the Galaxy API version the game is using. We updated the Unity Engine in 2.0.8 and it seems it's causing this crash. It seems that rolling back the version using Galaxy to 2.0.7 will allow you to play the game.

Please give that a try and let me know how you get on. I'd also like your player.log if possible or crash log that should have been generated on crash. Posting Output Logs

