التعليقات الخاصة بك

Hi Vaz,

Please can you upload affected saves for us and an output log from a session where you load it.



Hi Guys,

I've just uploaded v1.4.2f4 to the Public Test Branch which you can opt into. Please can you give that build a go and let us know if your issue is still resolved. (Please note there's only a 64-bit windows build thus far due to our issues with Steam)



Hi Maaseb2,

Thanks for the report I'll need more information from you I'm afraid. Please red this thread: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket and include all the relevant details.

In addition please can you tell me what map you were playing on.



Hi Raz,

Looks like the issue you're experiencing is related to this: Crash when loading a save / loading certain skirmish maps / map editor maps (Patch 1.4.2) Please give the workaround a try and let us know how you get on.



Hi ZzZombo,

I've reviewed your ticket and found that I am able to successfully dismiss worker rally flags that are in Unrevealed terrain. Please see attached video:

Worker Rally is an exception to a rule regarding Rally Flag placements. Unlike other flags which serve to lead units to a location the Worker Rally flag instead causes Worker Tasks in it's area of affected to be prioritized above others. Rally Flags cannot be placed in unrevealed areas or on walls because units cannot path to that. However Unrevealed areas and Walls can be tagged for excavation or fortified, as a result they are valid targets for worker rally.

Hi Erke,

I can honestly say that we'd never consider the possibility of you pirating the game, it's clear to us how genuinely eager you are to play and how much of a fan you are and that makes the situation we find ourselves in all the more frustrating. We take no pride in being unable to support you in this matter and we all wish we could do more but we're at a complete loss now.

Honestly at this stage we've exhausted all the diagnostic options on our side. Each of our three coders has taken a look at your issue individually and we're none the wiser as to what the cause might be. The steps we've undergone and the knowledge we have acquired all indicate that the problem does not lie in War for the Overworld's code, which is the only thing we can truly claim to be experts in.

At this point the problem as far as we're concerned could only lie in one of four places or a combination of multiple of these:

  • The Steamworks API
  • Your Software
  • Your Hardware
  • Your Network

My only suggestion would be to try and eliminate the variables and gradually troubleshoot each of these things until you find a solution. As Steamworks is obviously out of bounds and Valve had pulled out we can't possibly support that so here's what I'd recommend trying next:

Software Troubleshooting

  1. Backup your system or buy a new hard-drive, make sure you keep your old files safe!
  2. Do a completely clean install of Windows, install nothing but a graphics driver, Steam and War for the Overworld (and a network driver if necessary)
  3. If it runs then your problem is likely software based. Restore your computer and then slowly start to remove variables that might affect Steam. Try and bring the system closer to a standard configuration bit by bit. Perhaps seek professional help on the workings of Windows.

Hardware Troubleshooting

  1. Try the game on another device using the same install of Windows you have now.
  2. If it runs your problem is hardware based likely culprits as far as I know would be:
    1. Hard Drive
    2. CPU
    3. Motherboard
    4. RAM
    5. Network Adapter

Network Troubleshooting

  1. Take your PC to another Network and try from there
  2. If it runs something is happening on your network that is preventing Steamworks from talking to the Steam Server correctly.

That's the best I can really do, with anything else we wouldn't really know where to start. Windows is a pretty complex beast and I'm sure you've already followed our previous steps to try reinstalling dependencies etc.

Hope to hear good results,


Hi Guys,

Please try to remain civil. Understand that we're all here to try and help one and other and I appreciate that sometimes it can get a bit heated.

@Галиев Рустем Xelights raised a valid point and was simply trying to help, the points he raised would have been very easy to overlook. Try not to take it as a personal attack on you as I'm sure it was not intended that way.

@Xelights, Thanks for pointing those out, we had already identified that the wall was in fact correctly owned by him and he's indeed correct that the tiles above which are white is a visual bug, it would not be possible for him to own that wall without at least one friendly tile nearby.

Either way this ticket is now with code to review. Personally I suspect that whatever is causing the visual glitch is also affecting the way Annex works.

Hi Debbie, I have replied to your comment on the knowledgebase article. Please review it and let me know how you get on.

Hi Angeltear,

Looks like you're one of a select few individuals that have an issue with our CoherentUI Middleware. Please give this article a read and try the workarounds. You should find the solution to your issue in there: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI

As there's an internal ticket I'll keep it here and mark as Pending Third Party (We don't have an appropriate status). Will review in time.

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