
I'm not sure what you consider to be "putting in some effort" if almost a week of back and forth between 2/3rds of the entire code team and yourself doesn't count.

Have you tried reverting to the previous build (using the previous build beta branch), and seeing if you still have the issue on that version?

To rollback follow these instructions:

  1. Right click your War for the Overworld entry in your steam library and select properties
  2. Select the Betas tab
  3. Click the drop-down box and select "Previousbuild - Previous Build (v1.4.1)
  4. Click OK and allow your game to update
  5. Ensure that v1.4.1 is displayed as version number on main menu

If the issue doesn't occur in the previous build, then a player log from that version of the game might allow the coders to look for any differences between the 2 logs.

That's very weird, I don't see how the official in-game maps could be missing unless the game's data has been damaged/lost. Can you try verifying the game's cache and seeing if it recovers any missing files?

Failing that try re-installing the game (your saves, etc should be saved to the steam cloud so you won't lose them but you might want to back up any local maps first)

If both of those fail, let us know and we'll see what else we can suggest.

Glad it resolved itself easily enough. Closing the ticket.

I believe this was supposed to have been fixed in the last patch. Can you check you're not on a beta branch causing you to be on an old build, what build number does the game show on the top corner of the main menu?

This usually occurs because Steam is failing to load steamworks properly due to a dodgy internet connection or steam being stuck in offline mode. Try rebooting your PC, if not you might have to reinstall WFTO.

Worst cast scenario you'll have to contact Steam Support because this is an issue on their end, not ours.

Looks like another desyncronisation issue to me, but i'll send it through for the code team to take a look see if there was anything in particular that could have caused it.

Thanks for the report, as Bosher says we already have a ticket on that issue, so usually they would be merged, but i'm not exactly sure how to do that so i'll leave this as a seperate ticket until Noontide gets back and can sort it out.

That's a bit of an odd one, seems weird that it would be Colossus specific.

Sending through to code team to investigate.

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