Dina kommentarer

Hi Bouncing,

This is a known issue and is fixed internally, the next patch should resolve the issue for you.

Thanks for the report.

Hi DarkMitus, thanks for the report.. I noticed a few errors in your output log so clearly something went wrong during your game, i'll send this through for the code team to look at and try and figure out the cause.

Notes for Coders:

  • NullReferencePassed to EmitFXAtIAnimatedObjects!
  • NullReferenceException
    at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:get_gameObject ()
    at PigCannon.get_ToRotate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at PigCannon.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Looks like the Tavern's Pig Cannon exploded to me... or tried to shoot a cooked piggie into another dimension...

Hi Weston, this sounds like it's probably a RAM related issue but just to be sure can you upload your output log, system specs and other useful info as shown in our "How to report a bug" guide.


- Nutter

Obviously there was an log attached, I was just wondering if he had a log for the second occurrence to help narrow down the issue.

For Nano (since OP would rather complain than actually answer your questions and be helpful):

Map Name: Λαβύρινθος του ΜινώταυρουΛαβύρινθος του ΜινώταυρουΛαβύρινθος του Μινώταυρου

Visible in the remote folder: Apparently not.

Edited Info into the first post for you :)

My bad, I missed it!

Sending through for Code to take a look at

Can you upload the save, it all sounds rather odd so maybe the file will hold some clues.