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This is intended behaviour, that is the power of the research shrine - That a minion can stay and research forever and the shrine keeps them from needing anything.

Thanks for checking though :)

Did you have any occuli? Units are converted by being spotted by one of your minions, since Occuli can see through walls they would be able to convert neutral minions through walls as well I expect.

Then can you please upload a copy to steam (you can make it private) and post a link here please.

No problem, if the issue re-occurs then please grab an output log and upload it in this ticket. In the mean time i'll leave this one as Accepted as I know we have other members of the community with similar issues. Thanks

This must be one for Nano to bang his head against a wall about...

Hi Iain, the majority of the dev team are currently away for the christmas holidays (i'm a volunteer member of the QA team, not one of the core dev team) which is why this has taken so long to get a reply (sorry about that)

Looking at your system specs (which seem more than good enough to run the game as far as I can see) my first guess would be that you are suffering from one of the issues which are usually fixed using the knowledge base article you've already tried.

But since none of those solutions have worked we'll need an output log to take a look at. This article should help you locate and upload your output log then we should be in a better position to help you.

Thanks (and sorry again it took so long to recieve a reply)

Can we please not fix the chunder one? Just add some vfx for a few arcane runes floating out of the book each time his head hits it instead?

That is so much personality from an oversight.. we just can't get rid of it.

Glad to hear that the issue resolved itself even if we're not quite sure how, i'll mark this ticket as completed but if you have any more problems feel free to make another ticket and we'll help you out :)

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