Uw opmerkingen

No need to apologise, I can understand why you're frustrated I really can.

And I really hope that a video of the problem will resolve it, that's what we were really asking for when asking for reproduction steps, somewhere that clearly shows what you're doing compared to everyone else (assuming you are doing something differently) so we can identify the problem. We can't solve this by guesswork, we already tried. Which is pretty frustrating for us, knowing you're not happy and there seems to not really bw anything we can do about it if we can't see the same issue ourselves.

Hopefully between the two of you and Klaus, it'll get figured out, but with the QA Team being so small, we have to split our limited time as efficiently as possible, and we have to chose between a bug which we can reproduce and fix, and one we can't reproduce (and therefore can't do anything about), it's gotta be the first bug. It's not that won't don't want to help you, we do.. we want to help everyone with issues, but when those issues are something the QA team can't do anything about.. well that's just the way it is...

Anyway I hope you and Klaus manage to get it sorted :)

No, that's my point your version is exactly the same as everyone elses and it's working fine for everyone else. Which means it must be an outside factor, namely the input actions of the user causing the issue. I'm not saying that you don't know how to follow the objectives, but maybe something else you're doing at the same time is causing problems.

As an example:

Perhaps you're putting up a replacement wall or a defense or something and that's blocking the Dwarves from all pathing to your dungeon correctly and leaving one lost somewhere and therefore never letting you proceed to the next objective?

We don't know and we can't tell, and without that kind of information there is very little (if anything we can do). It's not that we don't have to help you, there just isn't anything we can actually do to help without more info and a way to reproduce the issue.

It does appear however that Klaus (Bohser) is willing to spend some time trying to resolve the issue with you 1 on 1, so my suggestion is that you take up his kind offer and he might be able to figure out what's going wrong.

Change it to Completed then not Declined?

No, it means that you've bought a product which functions fine for everyone else and have found a way to make it to break it which we cannot reproduce. Unless you can give us clear instructions on how we can reproduce the issue we can't fix it.

We've even gone as far as playing the level with Fog of War disabled in order to check that no enemies are getting lost or anything. Since we're able to play and complete the level just fine (by following the objectives and killing the enemies as intended), my personal guess is that you didn't follow the objective chain correctly, or that an enemy got lost somewhere meaning the next objective which starts the ritual's progressing is never activated.

I'd suggest you try and fresh start of the level, (not loading a save game) and play through, following the objectives to the letter and seeing if that gets you through, if not then see if you can find us some reproduction steps to re-create the issue.

But without something more concrete than guesswork there isn't anything we can do to help i'm afraid.

Come on Scott, you need to find that either Nano or V0id goof'd so I can be all smug and gloat in Riva's face :D

Images removed (by Riva since I couldn't figure it out in time)

Rebelling units becoming angry and attacking your other minions and your core is intended behaviour, however attacked units should fight back and kill the rebelling unit by defending themselves as per your suggestion #1.

Can you definitely confirm that your (still loyal) minions didn't fight back?

Just commenting to note down my theory on this:

I reckon something is wrong with the unlock screen causing everything to be shown/available rather than hiding what should be locked. As opposed to all the items actually having being unlocked some how.

This is probably an oversight due to the fact you shouldn't be able to toggle the props of other factions (i.e not your own) in normal gameplay.

I'll export this to Jira and the coders can figure it out.

Thanks for the report.