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Hi Rob, sorry you're having trouble.

This is a known issue which is appearing on a small number of systems and we're working on tracking it down so we can fix it (it's the highest priority ticket right now)

It would be a massive help if you could let us know your system specs so we can determine if you're part of that group or if this is something else entirely.

This link should help you find the information we need (https://forum.subterraneangames.com/threads/please-read-how-to-report-a-bug.4689/#post-51529)


Thanks for the heads up, seems like every 5 minutes one of the Anti Viruses or anothe is throwing a false positive.

This looks to be a save/load issue, with the state of identified artefacts not being saved correctly.

Whilst you're waiting on a fix, I believe if the artefact has been identified and used, before saving (or all remaining artefacts or either unidentified or used/activated) it should save and reload ok, it's only the actual saved state of the artefacts which doesn't have correctly.

Hope that helps you get through it, thanks for the report.

Known issue, should be fixed soon.

Thanks for the report.

As Bohser says, you can use the "Outpost" construct, to claim territory that isn't connected to your own.

Just build an outpost on some empty dirt near to the shrine and once it's built your workers will be able to claim that area too.

That being the case, this isn't a bug so i'll be declining the ticket. If you're looking for anymore help with missions the forums are probably a better place to get help than here in future since you're more likely to be seen by more of the community.

No problem! Glad you figured it out :) Have fun.

You should be able to drop them in a portal as far as I know

That should hopefully explain it for you.

You need to use the Lavafall Chasm combined with the Lava Chasm, and it will spawn a single Lavafall in the middle of a 3x1 area.

I'll open up the editor and grab you a screenshot to explain it better, give me 5 mins :)