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If you feel strongly that this should be changed, feel free to make a thread on our suggestion forums where the community can discuss it and see if there is any support/agreement with your opinion.


I'd rather not have a discussion about which tickets are and aren't bugs. You can see for yourself which ones aren't, because I mention the suggestions forum as an alternative place each time I have to decline one.

As mentioned by v0id this is working as intended (although you're not the first person to assume something is wrong, it's easily done) so it isn't a bug.

Marking as Declined. (I miss the "Not a Bug" option)

Because we're a small team who don't have the time/resources to spend (or arguably waste) chasing bugs we can't reproduce (and therefore can't do anything about).

Especially if those tickets aren't actually bugs and are just things you don't like and think should change, which belong on our suggestion forums really rather than here.

For all we know, the reason we can't reproduce it is because it's been fixed in the internal build of the game and the issue will be gone next patch, which considering it's related to the prison which breaks and gets fixed every 5 minutes is entirely possible. So again, if we can't reproduce a bug, after following your reproduction steps then then there's nothing we can do unless we encounter it ourselves or get (working) reproduction steps.

Sorry if you feel like you're getting more posts declined than accepted but with such limited resources and a small dev team, it doesn't help anyone to leave tickets "open" and under review but not actually making any progress. We try and deal with tickets quickly, attempting to reproduce and then either ticketing it internally if we can replicate the issue, or declining (or asking for more info as appropriate) if we can't reproduce it.

Definitely not a bug, and another perfect example of something for our suggestion forums.

Sounds like the code isn't counting the destroyed inhibitors in the objective anymore, thanks for the report.#

Exporting to Jira

It's the area around your territory that you can cast spells, pick up units, etc. As I said it extends to about 1.5 tiles around your owned territory. That's why you can't cast Lightning (as an example) in enemy territory, because it's not in your area of influence.

Leveres av UserEcho