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Hi Logic Falls

Thanks for the report, it definitely sounds like something went wrong with the "Master's AI's" code there. The good news here is that a massive overhaul of the skirmish AI is planned for update 1.6, to allow the AI to properly make of defenses and potions, etc.

So whilst I can't promise this particular issue won't crop up again before then... Once 1.6 comes out the AI will offer much more of a challenge and a threat for players. If it does happen again, any screenshots and the new output log from that time would also be helpful.

In the meantime i'll send this log through for our AI coder to look at and see if he can figure out what went wrong.

It went live for about 2 hours before we realised a pretty nasty bug had snuck in so the whole thing got rolled back. I'll try and remember to post an update on here for you when the proper patch goes live.

Moved from Brightrock Misc to correct area.

I must have screwed up the export process or something, sorry!

This ticket refers specifically to the Arena. The interaction with the arena is the issue. Because they're able to constantly stay in the arena, players can effectively bypass the "feeding prisoners or minions" bit of the vampire's blood need because arena combat fills it. This means that Vampires can stay in the arena constantly until they reach level 10 without any of their intended downsides.

The problem you're referring to, which is 2 vampires fighting from different factions resulting in a stalemate, is a separate (and much less serious) issue. That issue can be resolved by either player dropping extra minions as support to break the stalemate.

This is ultimately a balance issue here, rather than a mechanic one.. the unintended interaction between Vampire and Arena is allowing them to level up too quickly without any negative consequences so we need to ensure that Vampires can't stay in the arena indefinitely to fix the problem in this ticket.

Exactly, so reduce (or stop) the blood need being filled whilst attacking in the arena and the issue in this ticket is resolved, since vampires couldn't remain in there indefinitely.

Putting them in the arena would only be temporary until the need for blood reached a level that they left to go look for a meal. Yes they'd still probably have all their health, but surely the priority to satisfy that need would mean that dropping them back in the arena would just trigger them to leave again, until the blood need was satisfied.


The issue isn't their health, it's their blood need (or rather the lack of blood need due to current mechanics). This is pretty easily resolved by lowering (or removing entirely) the blood gain from combat whilst in the arena.

We still need you to upload your output log please Cron.

Hi YS1, sorry for the slow reply.. your ticket seemingly managed to slip off the first page without anyone spotting it - sorry about that.

We don't really have any linux experts on the dev team but i'll pass this ticket through for them to take a look.

Apologies again that it took so long to get a reply.

Glad the issue is resolved, have fun playing :)

Marking ticket as complete.