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I can't open whatever format that video is in. But are you sure that the effect you're seeing isn't the VFX of their teleport ability? High level works can teleport and they appear in a burst of colour (similar to when they are spawned by Summon Worker if I remember correctly) so is it possible it could be that?

Huh very odd.

Would it be possible for you record you playing the level and upload it somewhere? That way we can hopefully something you may be doing differently to our testers to spot the problem. Failing that could you upload a savegame?

Hi Puppehgal

Slightly random question, but just to be sure. When you say you've replayed 5 times, is that 5 plays from the same save game? Or 5 brand new fresh plays from the very beginning of the mission?

It's possible that somehow a save game hasn't stored the state of one of the shrines properly, meaning that as far as the game objective is concerned, the shrines aren't all claimed. It's the only thing I can possibly think of that could cause this, as Bohser tested this for us a few days ago (as you may have seen on the steam discussion)

If it is a corrupted save game, i'm afraid the only thing we can suggest is a fresh playthrough right from the beginning of the mission (and if possible try and complete it within one sitting without saving and loading).

Hopefully it's not a corrupted save game and we can do more to help, but we'll know more when you let me know if you've tried a fresh playthrough yet.

The extra 2x2 is including the size of the outer ring of impenetrable rock which makes up the barrier around the map. Seems like a simple case of updating one of the screens to show the same value as the other.

Simple fix but probably low priority since it isn't actually affecting gameplay.

Thanks for the report :)

My mistake then, I was looking at the wall itself rather than the chasm below. Sorry!

Hi Woudo, thanks for the report. It'll probably be a while before we get chance to actually update the maps (i'd expect it as part of Patch 2.0) but i'll definitely fix them up.

Hi Terrakul, which themes were you using for both of those screenshots?

I think it only looks weird because you're not using the arcane theme for the walls above it. The arcane chasm is effectively just a pretty transition between arcane walls and the chasm. The weirdness you're looking at seem to be some fortification on the walls which would extend down into the chasm. Either way it's intentional that it looks like that, it just doesn't blend very well with other tilesets.