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Known Issue, we didn't have time to fix this before release.

The phrase "Oh im sure nobody will notice straight away, we'll fix it on Monday" may have been said... I'm pretty sure you just won me a bet ;)

Ah, ok I see the issue, well it's not a bug exactly but i'll pass it through as an improvement request and see if we can get the contrast improved.

Did this still not get changed before release.. oops.

Good spot, thanks

Looking through your output log I found a couple of errors that look like this:

[Coherent Browser] (Error) Starting process ""D:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/War For The Overworld/WFTOGame_Data\CoherentUI_Host/windows\CoherentUI_Host.exe" --coherent-options=host-08cb7ddb-3946-443e-8f6c-37426fc2b7ae" failed with error code 2

ApplicationException: Creating a ViewContext failed!
at CoherentUISystem.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Obviously i'm not one of the coders, but to me that seems like the Coherent UI (the 3rd party program the game uses to render the game's HUDs and UIs) failed to launch correctly, which would explain why you have a blank screen.

I'll see if I can get one of the coders to come take a look (although if it is a 3rd party/Chorent UI issue, there might not be all that much we can actually do on our end, other than pass the bug onto them)

Is it possible that the tutorial wants you to select something, or do another action before you can actually start digging. Occasionally the game will ask you to complete a task, and lock other parts of the UI until you do so, that may be the case here.

If not can you post your output log and other important information using the guide here, (https://forum.subterraneangames.com/threads/please-read-how-to-report-a-bug.4689/)


I'm not sure what the problem is here. Can you try and explain more clearly (or tell me what im supposed to be seeing that's wrong in the image)

The prop indicators are hidden behind them! nice find

Thanks for the report.

The (free) patch will be released alongside heart of gold, but you won't need to purchase Heart of Gold to download the patch (hopefully that made sense..) They're 2 separate things being released at the same time.

Hope that helps :)