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That doesn't appear to actually be a bug, veins of gold can go in various different terrains (including rocky earth and sand), whereas the tooltip is only identifying the current terrain. The tooltip doesn't show gold content in only shows the terrain type.

Have you definitely confirmed that those ports are not closed?

Hi Merket27 (Also Erke from Steam?)

Following on from our brief conversation on steam, firstly thanks for making a ticket on here as requested and secondly here is the thread that Bohser was talking about, perhaps the same situation may be happening here?


As Riva has said, the only other 2 problems we're aware of that can cause this issue are AVG anti-virus and USB headsets, so if it is neither of those and the thread i've linked above isn't any help then we'll have one of the coders look at it.

Since this isn't a game related issue i'm going to mark it as declined but I hope you manage to get it working. Feel free to post another comment here (or start a new thread) if you have any more problems


That looks to be a nasty one, i'll send it through.

Thanks for the report.