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Glad to hear it, sounds like it's working as intended then so I'll make this as not a bug.

Thanks for the report.

Have you tried rebooting your entire PC?

Hi OldCat,

Most of the missing units (Bard, Arcanist and Highguard) are considered hidden "super" units for the empire and require an extra thing to be attracted, which for the sake of this ticket i'll spoil (they also required a considerable sized vault full of gold). Obviously because of that they are also limited to 1 per faction.

Wardens should be able to spawn immediately though as far as I know, we'll check it out.

No problem, as I said the underlying cause of the problem is still an issue that we're awaiting a fix from Unity for.

But in the mean time, since you can't view the opening cinematic in game, here it is on youtube so you don't miss out on it. Hope you enjoy Heart of Gold :)

Hi Nengard,

Have you tried disabling cutscenes in the options screen?

There is a known issue that Unity's internal video player has issues with Mac and we're awaiting some kind of fix from them, in the mean time disabling cutscenes should allow you to play (assuming that is the issue here)

Can you give it a try and let me know if that resolves the issue, thanks.

Regenerative Tissue is an ability which both the Skarg and Behemoth have, unlike Relentlless (which regenerates a small amount of health constantly).

Regenerative Tissue only works outside of combat (aka after a battle has finished) and regenerates a lot of health very quickly. Basically it is a very quick health regen that only activates after a battle has finished

Can you link us to the webpage or whatever it was that you copy and pasted the original name text from (before you typed it manually)

If it is definitely steamworks causing the issue then you might need to contact steam support as there isn't much we can do to resolve a steamworks issue. Basically Steamworks is failing to initalize meaning the game doesn't even get to start running, which isn't an issue we can solve on our end.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Verify your game cache, when AVG detected it as an alert it will have quarantined one (or more) of the files needed to run the game. Once that missing file is re-downloaded you will hopefully be ok.

Perhaps due to text formatting being pasted as well if you copied the text from somewhere breaking the map creation when it tried to save the text formatting code as part of the name string