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Hi Vsechnospatne

Sorry you're having problems, the developers are currently out of the office (as it's already the weekend in the UK) so you might not get a reply from them before Monday.

In the mean time, I did a quick google (as I didn't know how you do this kind of thing either) and this link looks like it might be able to help you (even though it's for a different game).

In case you can't view the link, it looks like you edit the shortcut (to the game) on your desktop to include the -force text on the end of the shortcut link.

So if you don't mind, maybe give that a try and see if it helps at all?

If not let us know and i'll make sure the devs take a look at your issue on Monday (if not before then)

Hope it fixes it, but if not just drop us a reply and we'll try and assist further.

- Nutter

Hi Rahvas,

Would you mind uploading your output log, as that will be able to tell us whether or not the game is using the correct card.

This guide should help you find it.



Regarding the defenses not being built issue, any chance that workers couldn't reach the blueprint (perhaps a locked door or a defense with a rampart on it was in the way)?

Simple solution would just be to ban/block white being used by an underlord if the map contains any Empire faction units/rooms/etc.

Is that do-able Cian?

Hi Eversmile Convert

Can you just confirm which map you played the matches on? As the award is only unlocked by beating him on "official" maps rather than community made ones.

Hi Hood, thanks for making a ticket as request

I took a quick look at your log but I can't see anything out of the ordinary in there (but i'm not a coder so they might have more luck). Have you double checked your anti-virus isn't messing with the game in some way, that's the only thing I can think of that you haven't tried already.

I expect Cian will be along at some point (probably tomorrow now since it's 9pm in the UK) to offer a bit more advice/help than I can.

Hi again Puppehgal.

I watched your video, by the looks of that completion screen you've already got the achievement in question which is why it's not being awarded again. It sounds like an obvious thing to ask... but have you double checked the steam achievements page? I tried to check myself for you but your profile is private so i wasn't able to do so.

I know the icon for that achievement is pretty grey compared to the other, but when it is uncompleted it has a lock icon over it, and when it gets unlocked it has purple bits on the corners. At this point my best guess is that somehow it got awarded without you noticing and that's why it's not unlocking again.

Can you double check your steam achievements page for WFTO, and if possible upload a screenshot showing that particular icon (either with or without a lock on it)
