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What Fireeye says is correct, this is due to the Empire not having a Witch Doctor equivalent to spawn instead.

Not a bug so declining.

The AI isn't programmed to deal with Sacred Earth in the way it was used in the Borderlands Map design, it cannot use the Outpost construct to cross the sacred earth/water, so it cannot reach the player to attack them. But that's it has never been "taught" to use that construct (as that construct didn't exist in it's current form when the AI was coded).

I've already told you that we recognise the problem, even if it isn't considered an actual bug, and that we're planning an overhaul of the AI (currently aimed to be patch 1.5) which should solve the issue. I'm declining the issue because it isn't a bug, not because there isn't a problem.

No amount of your complaining will change that.

The AI is currently working as intended, that means this behaviour is not a bug. The AI will be improved in 1.5 and things like this will (probably) be added then. I have declined this ticket because the AI is following it's (currently limited) programming without fault, so there is no bug.

That doesn't mean the AI doesn't need updating, obviously it does, but this isn't a bug.

It's unlikely to be related to the port forwarding, which is only required for MP play. More than likely something is corrupted in the steam library which handles the data once the game has sent it, meaning your isn't getting sent properly. Let us know how you get on after reinstalling the steam client and see if that fixes the problem :)

Ok #1: There was clearly a translation miscommunication, because my offtopic comment was a compliment and you've misunderstood it to be an insult. I was saying that if you designed normal maps rather than gimmick maps they would probably be very good normal maps because you have a lot of talent. It was a compliment.

#2: I checked personally with our AI coder that this was a non-bug before declining the ticket. The AI is designed to work a specific way, that is it's intended behaviour. The fact it doesn't do something it was never programmed to do is not a bug. I am in no way biased in declining this ticket just because you made it (or whatever other reason you think i'm biased)

#3: It's my job to reply and deal with tickets so I'm not signing anything, but it's no accident that i'm answering a lot of your tickets personally after you made such an impression upon me with your map designing skills on Steam :)

It's a known fact that the AI is a outdated (doesn't use all the tech available in the game) and the behaviour you're looking for/expecting here isn't programmed into the AI yet. With that in mind, there isn't actually a bug here as the AI is working as (currently) intended. An overhaul/update for the AI has been planned as a future major milestone patch (1.5) so i'll have to decline this ticket for now.

On an off topic note; If you put as much effort into making "proper" maps as you did into making gimmick maps, you'd probably be one of the people getting their maps showcased, you clearly have talent at map design so it's a shame you just seem to insist on using it in odd/weird ways that don't work out the way you want.

Hi Penguin, can you upload your crash and output logs so we can take a look and figure out what's going on.