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Codewise they are considered shrines, so it's working as intended, but as an improvement: a "You've discovered an Inhibitor" VO line would probably be a good addition.

She's an ally during that level, allies can drop minions on allied territory, looks like working as intended to me.

Yeah technically they can't be attacked, but they can still be damaged by sources such as lava.

Yes, and Nano wanted to get on with fixing the issue rather than having to read an entire page of text to look for the answers.

We're all aware that the answers are somewhere in that wall of text, he asked for it to be summed up together in one place for quick viewing, which I did for you since you were more interested in complaining instead.

And they can't fire me, i'm a volunteer... which means i'd be perfectly fine and within my rights to ignore your posts rather than help you... but I don't do that, so you do your part in this and show people the respect they deserve when they're helping you.

Were the minions on low health? There are various reason why minions would ignore a rally flag and flee, but Low health is the main one as minions will try and save their own skin by fleeing before they die.

Sorry! I didn't think to look in the .rar folder, told you my brain was foggy today haha and thanks for uploading it again for me.

The RAM is the most important requirement as the game uses a ton of RAM, on a minimum 4gb RAM spec system the game will probably use absolutely everything available, and if that still isn't enough it will most likely crash.

Obviously it's the weekend right now, and I believe that they're having internet trouble at the offices at the moment anyway, but i'll get one of the coders to check out your log when they're back online and see if there is anything we do or suggest to try and help you out.

Hi J Junior, in order to take a look at your issue we're going to need your output log as well as the system specs you've already provided (thanks for those)

As it stands your system is barely meeting the minimum requirements for the game (if it's even hitting them at all, it's very borderline and my memory is a little foggy today) meaning you will have trouble on some of the bigger levels where more is going on. I'd guess that this is the cause of your crashes, with the game running out of usable free RAM/memory but without the output log we won't know for sure.

You can find your output log using this link http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/118-how-to-submit-a-bug-ticket/ (There is a section for finding output logs)

So i'll set this to pending customer until we hear back from you with the log


- Nutter


Hi Tiago, the output log should won't be situated in the WFTO_Game_Data folder because you're using Linux.

It should be situated in:

~/.config/unity3d/Subterranean Games/War For The Overworld/