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Hi ShadowMajestic,

Unfortunately the issue you are experiencing is a known issue and is due to Unity's own Garbage Collection algorithm (which is outdated and in all honesty kind of rubbish) rather than WFTO itself. Unity are "looking at it" and working on a new (and improved) algorithm which should fix/solve the issue but there is no known timelime for it to be finished/done.

In the mean time Brightrock themselves continually optimise the game as best as they can to squeeze every last drop of performance possible from the engine but ultimately this is an issue they can only put a bandage over. Unity themselves are the only ones who solve this issue.

The best thing I can suggest is playing the game on low settings, and when you start seeing the issue, save and reload the game (which clears all the garbage and will temporarily stop it happening for a while).

Sorry, because i'm sure that's not the answer you were looking for but I hope it helps a little and you can still enjoy the game whilst we wait for Unity to get their act together.


Bear with me here, because i'm trying to remember from my own AMD control panel (on my old laptop) but if I remember right, one of the buttons (gaming I think) takes you to a screen that lists all of the games installed on the system (that AMD can tweak settings for anyway) and that's where you can set which graphics card is used, etc.

Can you give that a try and see if you can find it?

I'd also suggest trying Solution #2 from that article (as that usually has a better chance of fixing the issue than Solution 1)

Let me know how you get on, hopefully it'll solve it, but if not we'll try and assist further.

The latest output log says v1.6.3f1 so i'm pretty sure he's up to date Cian.

Hi Woudo

Just to let you know, i've just updated these maps and made the changes so you can look forward to seeing them fixed in the next patch.


- Nutter

Please see above (BierVampir's reply)

That's very odd, must be some kind of weird clash between the 2 cards. Atleast you're able to start playing now though.

Maybe try putting the game on your Radeon card and the Coherent UI on your Intel one. It sounds to me like neither card is powerful enough to handle both processes on a single card, but perhaps if each card handles one job each it might work?

Hi again Vsechnospatne

The DxDiag is perfect thanks.

Just one more thing to check, when you forced the game to use your AMD Radeon card did you also ensure that Coherent UI also uses it? A black screen like that suggests that it's Coherent UI itself (which handles all of the menu screens and buttons, etc) that is failing rather than the game itself.

The other thing I should make you aware of now that i've seen the DxDiag is that even your better (non-Intel) graphics card is slightly below the minimum requirements for the game. Your Radeon R7 M370 scores a rating of 1395 on the benchmarking website, which is less than the 1500 rating recommended as a bare minimum so that won't be helping matters either, so if/when we do manage to get the game working i'd expect you'll have to run it on the absolute lowest settings and close as many background programs as possible to play.

That's a shame, I was hoping it would be an easy fix. I'll get one of the devs to take a look on Monday morning then.

In the mean time can you post your system specs so we can get an idea what kind of rig you're playing on.

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