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Hello ^_^

I had a look, and found the culprit. It is a rare race condition with a looper firing it's event before anyone else listen in a very specific scenario. = )

The winning condition currently is killing the boss and the portal. I will let our designer have a look at the balancing. But I can agree that lowering the boss and his troop level would help.

I cannot find the root of the issue with the log and the description. Despite having a look. But my wild guess is that your game files might be slightly corrupted, because I see a bunch of error that shouldn't happen and are relying on pure and simple data :^/

So maybe try to validate/reinstall the game.

Steam updates can, rarely, corrupt the local files I'm afraid

Hello = )

I'm afraid those save files are missing their counter part, ".meta" ^^' Could you by any chance upload the meta files associated with those save ?

Thank you ^^

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