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As I have stated, I have not really been able to play War for the Overworld recently due to computer issues, so I have not played crucible mode for a short while. The problem only occurred on crucible mode. I am going to try playing a game over the weekend and see if it re-occurs.

Thanks, glad to hear about the fixes.

I am afraid that I have had a bit of computer trouble over the past couple of weeks, so I have not managed to test or play many games. When I come around to playing another crucible game, I shall see if any of the more elusive aforementioned bugs occur again.

Hello. I am afraid that I have had computer troubles for the past few weeks, so I have not really been able to play or test to see whether it has been patched.

It happened only the one time, so I am afraid that I do not know what effect, if any, the latest patch has had on the bug. I tried to reproduce it shortly after it occurred by entering/exiting a skirmish game repeatedly, but without success.

I shall see over the coming week if it occurs again, though I may not have much time to test it too often.

Personally, though, I see no reason why it should relate exclusively to the skirmish mode/beast den screen. I think that whatever caused it must have been menu-based.

Well, the bug in this ticket occurred following a single-player game rather than multiplayer. Admittedly, when I tend to encounter multiplayer bugs, such as the desync bug, it occurs after playing two games in a row (my games tend to end before the half an hour mark). Similarly, I had played the skirmish game in this ticket for less than an hour.

This is the only time this particular error has occurred. However, I have seen, perhaps, related errors twice before:

In this ticket, the dungeon core menu stopped spinning and the campaign mode acted the same way as it did this time:

In this ticket, the menu jammed when the host left mid-conversation:

In both instances, the menus and the interface seemed to be jammed.

I do not know if either are related. I have tried to reproduce the error but have not succeeded. Effectively, what I did last time was just play one skirmish game, start another one but leave before it started up, and it got stuck. If it helps, I was trying to play on the same map as last time.

I can confirm that I am having this issue too. Here is a recording of it, and my output log.

2016-12-18 18-24-51.mp4


I had exactly the same issues. The achievements were locked (originally), and I also had an absurdly high wave number.


I noticed that some of the issues mentioned in this ticket did not occur last time, for instance respite worked. Have there already been some fixes?

Just to confirm: an Ember Demon ceases to occupy one population upon its death?

Just played again. The gateway populatin limit did not occur again, so I am really not sure what happened on that game. However, I do have an image of point 10. These disciplines simply stood here. I noticed that if I built stone bridges and then removed the connecting tiles, sometimes units I had shockwaved would simply stay there.

I shall create separate tickets for two other odd things I encountered. Just to ask though, is it intended for an artefact of incantation not to complete vampire rituals? If not, I can create a ticket for that.


Ah, okay. Just going to do another test now. Whilst I think of it, I have one more theory to offer: I do not really understand why the gateway population would be shown as 100% so early on, and why it would not fall below that even when minions were dying. I remember at one point I saw a few minions return, but nothing substantial. I am wondering if ember demons are somehow contributing to the population. As I see it, perhaps something was causing the population limit to artificially rise. My ember demons were killed very often, so perhaps that was it. In support of this theory, at one stage, my ember rifts would have been destroyed, and perhaps this was when I saw a small rise in population, albeit it would have been too late by this stage. Alternatively, is the population limit in crucible mode lower than usual? If not, micropiglets/rats are my next guess. If none of those, maybe some of the crucible units take up a lot of population (albeit, I doubt all of these reasons because ember demons do not usually do this, and the population which would be required by the crucible unit would be very high). I am just going to presume that something went very wrong with the game, perhaps the way I was playing, and see if it happens this time.

Edit: By the way, I can confirm point 3. The narrator Definitely says that apocalpyse kills all enemies other than bosses 'outright'. To hear it, reset the tips.