התגובות שלך

Another instance of it on a different game/map, note that the map was again by Green.Sliche and the game seemed to be struggling with all the minions:

The map used:


Output log:


A couple of screenshots of the dungeon core bug mentioned in point two. I am presuming that these two issues are linked.

Latest instance:

Invisible gold.

I am still in the game even after it has finished:


Latest instance:

I believe it is replicated by sending a message in the multiplayer lobby whilst the game is being closed.

By spamming a letter (any letter), I was able to send a message when the game had closed. This caused the menu to jam. I believe it is how the previous issues may have been caused.

Whilst in this state, it was not possible to interact with most of the menu features. In fact, I had to close the game down manually.

2017-01-20 17-55-30.mp4


Had it again. It was on the Golden River map. I have had it on that map whenever I play it. Perhaps map size contributes to it.

Screenshot below: an imp attempts to claim the liquid gold. In reality, there is bridge there, but I cannot see it.

Same thing again, imps trying to claim invisible bridges.

Not even sure what went wrong here, but it is not easy to judge where the enemy imps are as they are blurred by a trail of light.


Well, here I had it again. It happened when a multiplayer game was not loading, and the host used alt+f4.


I can confirm that the desync bug is still at large. It occurred when the host did not reboot after playing a multiplayer game but I did (I think it is host-dependent). I also experienced a menu desync, the map was displayed incorrectly (it showed abyss when it should have shown ashfell). In short, it is the usual one wherein minions seem to just stand still, and are in 'ghost' form. In other words, if you use any spells/lightning, nothing happens.

Here are a few screenshots of the desync in action (the first two involve ghost imps (the imps you see are not actually there, instead I see tiles randomly being dug out).

1 - Ghost imps

2 - Imps are desynced, thus do not change place. So it appears as though they are stuck in the arena, but they are actually somewhere else.

3 - The desync somehow allowed me to have 5/4 skargs in the arena (I just dropped them in as usual).

4 - Enemy imps are also desynced (I have no idea where enemy workers/units are).


Sure, will do. Would you rather me post only if I find replication steps, or post if I encounter it again?

I just played again, and I encountered it again. This bug is Not crucible-specific, I encountered it in a skirmish game. I have attached a couple of screenshots below of this in action.

As you can see, I had beasts on both occasions, and they were not dead. This caused the beast symbol to no longer show me the beasts' health and stayed this way for the rest of the game. Admittedly, this was my third game in a row, but I had closed the game and relaunched it.

The map was Slaughterhouse-Five by rustamgm4x.


What is strange is how it occurred on a first game, rather than a second game. If you have a look at the map, you shall notice that it contains many defences and constructs.

Given that this occurred in both the crucible and a somewhat (albeit not very) demanding map, I think that this error occurs when the game has a lot to handle at once. It may be that the script just does not have time to render the graphics and just fails (I am not a programmer, that is just my guess).

I noticed, what I believed to be, a few other signs of script bloat (just presuming that this is akin to Skyrim). Firstly, when my titan died, it did not lose its rally sign straight away. Instead, it took a few seconds for it to show no health, and a few more for it to finally disappear. When using artefacts of sin, which granted three sins, I only received two messages rather than three. My only concern is that by the time this occurred, most pre-built defences had been destroyed, and I have seen many more maps which far more defences placed. Secondly, this occurred in survival mode, which suggests that even the basic functioning of crucible mode may be too much. This, of course, presumes that my theory is correct (which it probably is not).

I have attached my output log too:


Well, my computer has been down for a short while, so I have not played since the last time I reported the glitch. Because it only occurs in multiplayer games, and because I cannot host, it is difficult to test whether it still exists. Over the past few days, I have been checking to see if any multiplayer games were open, but I have not seen any yet.

I shall likely be playing a tournament game over this weekend, which may give me a chance to test it. It tends to occur if at least one of the players is playing a second game in a row, and the problem only tends to occur to me. I shall hopefully have the chance to test it soon, and let you know.