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Hm, I shall have a go at testing later today. Out of interest, are bosses or crucible units able to kill vampires permanently? I recall sending four vampires after chunders (I think the chunder boss), and they seemed to disappear, I presumed that they were killed. However, they never respawned, I presume due to the gateway limit.

If not, it is possible that it is something related to the map.

Just played a game and was desynced again. This time, multiple 'ghost' units, namely units which are not showing correctly on my screen. Also, my dungeon core's health was not shown properly.


Well, I shall try a game later today or tomorrow and see if it happens again. All I know is that I was at the population cap Very early.

My prison was small, it could probably hold eight enemies at most. My overall population was probably fifteen at most. I sacrified gnarlings for vampires. However, even though the game lasted over the hour mark, I do not recall seeing another gnarling spawn. I think my rooms were:

Archive 5x5 (four cultists).

Foundry (seven chunders I think).

Alchemy lab 7x3 (two crackpots).

Barracks 7x5 (six gnarlings, later built an extra prop which attracted a new gnarling).

Garrison 3 3x3 (two augres).

Beast den was large but was built late in the game.

I had four vampires.

I think I had as many as three prisoners.

A large portion of the map was a vault.

Other than that, I am pretty sure that that was all I had. I did build a arena, but I Never received a beastmaster. As I said, my prison was also small.

I used the same map as seen in this ticket I wrote:


As you can see, there is not exactly a lot of room to build in any case. The left side was almost entirely a vault. The right side was almost entirely a beast den. The top had a sanctuary, arena, and a small prison. What I am trying to say is that I am not sure if there is even enough room to build enough rooms to hit the population cap anyway. Especially if a vault/beast den is going to be used.

I actually have a feeling that using the aureate monolith may have done it. Effectively, all three gateways were surrounded by many, many golden statues. I sometimes threw a few of my minions into the battles to help fight off the enemies. I am wondering if when my minions were killed and subsequently turned into gold, maybe the population was not reduced because the statues were on the gateway (unclaimable) ground, and hence still in play, technically. Just a suggestion. As I say, I shall have a go at testing it again.

Last time, I did not use the torture chamber at all because of point 9). I was also using aureate monoliths, so most of the enemies were turned into gold anyway. My rooms were also small, I had Very few minions. But the minions simply were not coming back. I had around 15 minions in total, I think, and it told me that the gateway was at 100%.

Ah, it is nice to hear that most of these have been fixed already, I shall look forward to the patch. Thanks for the quick responses.

Regarding 1) - You are probably right. What led me to think that the ghouls were attacking the gateway was that three of them, in a line but with about a ghoul and a half distance between each, were all pointing towards it and attacking. I shall see if I can replicate it and get a screenshot of it.

Regarding 9) - Unless my game was bugged, it was simply a case of trying to convert the enemy units. I shall see if I can replicate it and provide the steps.

Regarding 12) - I noticed the announcements, but just thought it would be more logical to renumber the gateways so that wave 1 = gateway 1. It also makes sense that gateway 1 is the most important gateway. What I really meant was for later waves too. For instance, sometimes only two gateways are used for spawning enemies, so I would be able to prioritise my fortifications acccordingly. The announcements are, admittedly, difficult to read and remember when I am in the middle of, say, building a room.

Ah, okay, apologies, I shall create separate tickets in the future. I just thought that they may be somewhat linked.

Glad to hear that you like my maps, it always means a lot to hear that. I should probably start looking at integrating the new map editor mechanics.

I tried it yesterday and it seemed to work fine. As a side note though, the legendary/heroic/champion imps are available without unlocking them, and legendary workers sometimes do not display an animation when digging. Also, ghouls attack those gateways in survival mode (I killed the necromancer, and his ghouls started to attack the gate). I just thought you might be interested lol.

Thanks for your help.

Will do. By the way, if it helps, the game usually desyncs if everyone (the host, myself, and any other players) do not reboot the game before playing a second multiplayer game.

I have a feeling that it has something to do with the units dying. I believe that both the chunder and gnarling in the videoes were dead at the time they played the animations. My guess would be that they were killed in the middle of the animations. For instance, the gnarling was likely killed whilst training by an ember demon. The gnarling would have been on low health as it was recently in the arena. It is likely that the ember demon simply dealt a finishing blow.

For the chunder, I presume that it was using one of its debuff attacks but was quickly killed whilst doing this. I shall attempt to replicate it myself over the coming days by overwhelming a minion attempting to perform a task or action.

I am presuming that lightning would be the best way to reproduce. If not, I shall attempt ember demons again. Judging from the videoes though, I theorise that the animations keep playing because the creature died unexpectedly.

It appears that changing the graphics card fixed it. I really have no reason why this was necessary though, as the graphics card was replaced less than a month ago and had been working fine. As of yet, I have only been able to test it in a 1v1 multiplayer. I shall attempt the three-player match again whenever possible though I presume that it should be fixed.