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Not sure if this is related at all, it is something of a deync bug (I think). If both the client and the host relaunches the game, it is fixed.:

2016-11-15 23-00-07.mp4


Sorry, regarding the first recording, it is where bombards refused to be placed. Note that this was over a section of land. This is all part of the output log I attached. It is the second recording which shows the flickering glitch.

Note: Both videoes come from One of the output logs. I am not sure which. I believe it is the second. To clarify:

One output log contains the flickering glitch And the dead minion glitch (I was able to pick them up, they were not registered as dead). I Believe that this is the first one.

The other output log contains the two glitches seen in the video, namely the bombard placement and the flickering minions. I Believe that this is the second one.

Attaching again the one I think had the dead minions and flickering:


And this one, I think, had the flickering/bombard glitches:


Thanks for the quick reply. By the way, as a side note, I find it somewhat impossible to change the level/faction etc. of a minion placed inside an arena in the map editor. The cursor keeps selecting the arena instead.

Also: regarding #3, the 'remove gold' tool was not used. I attempted to place an Earth tile on top of the gold (apologies if I misunderstood you).

Managed to do a very partial replication. If you look at the top right of the mana bar you shall see a grey line locking some of the mana out. This was replicated using lag and ctrl. Console commands may have contributed to this, however.

Latest instance (this time it was particularly bad). I could not build wooden doors because of a 'lack of mana'.

I have noticed this problem too. With respect, I think that this may be a solution worth considering too:

Change the vampire's healing ability entirely. The vampire NO LONGER heals every time it hits an opponent. This makes it vulnerable to other minions and means that a vampire v. vampire battle is not an ultimate stalemate (at the moment, a somewhat low-levelled vampire is able to match a titan, tested this with Bohser). Instead: vampires heal When they kill an enemy. They only receive 75% of the enemy's total health. Notice I used the word 'kill'. This means that any enemy which the vampire 'defeats' is killed. This mechanic would apply in arenas as well (solving the infinite training exploit). Thus, any enemy killed in the arena by the vampire would be Killed. So vampires could be trained but at this cost or with micromanaging.

I would also suggest reworking the blood mechanism. Instead of vampires rebelling (which is very annoying), what if vampires started to lose health constantly instead? Thus, they could be healed when not in war.

I agree that defences/constructs should not heal the vampire, nor should it reset its 'blood level'. However, if we consider the new healing mechanic and death mechanic I suggested, I see no reason why the arena cannot sustain a vampire per se. If I understand it correctly, at present one must be in constant war in order to keep a vampire happy. Given the sacrifices already required, this seems slightly onerous.

Whilst fixing the vampire, I think that the archon should be fixed too. As noted by Bohser, we noticed that the archon has an insane healing capacity. I think that a cap could be added to the maximum amount of health a vampire/archon may heal from a given action. I think that 2,500 health for an archon and 5,000 health for a vampire (given that it must kill to heal if this new mechanic is accepted) is reasonable. Thanks for reading.

Not sure if it is related, but this happened today (I could not build monoliths, underminers, or ember rifts on certain squares).

2016-10-22 21-20-22.mp4

I also had a strange message telling me that only hosts are able to change maps...I have no idea how it came about, all I did was type (this was before starting the game). It was fixed easily by selecting a theme/colour.

Another instance (this is a different game from the last output log I posted):