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Oh my ...
Though I could not find the patch notes, probably this is the intended behavior.

To tell the truth, I strongly hope that the unlock condition of "More Money Than God" will be lowered. Because I regard this achievement as an almost impossible task.

I can understand the feelings of developers who made this achievement. Probably, this achievement is a reward for players who played this game for a long time.

But, Unfortunately, you are disregarding the feelings of the players. There are no one who likes the existence of this achievement in this world. Many players want to unlock all the achievements more easily.

I have that type of some friends. Before buying game, they investigate completion rate of achievement at Wiki. They never purchase the games that are painful to unlock all achievements. And, they will give bad reputation about games like that.

So, if you don't want mortification to us, you should lower the condition for unlocking this achievement.


The reward to players who have played this game for a long time, should be available in a different form.

For example, steam has a leaderboard. I think that it will be a good reward to implement the leaderboard for gold mined, or time of play, etc.


Thank you for your consideration of my request.

Here is a reproduction procedure. I created a map for test. Normal workers are shuted away.



It seems that gold mined by spirit workers has not been counted.

My problem that was merged with this topic was solved without doing anything. :)

Yesterday, the progress of my Campaign was broken. I could not access My Home Realm from the main menu despite the fact that I already have finished the campaign. And, despite all the buildings and terrain restored, I got access to all levels.

Today, when I started steam, some kind of network communication was done. Surely, this is synchronization with the steam cloud.

Then, my progress of the campaign has been restored. Now, I can access My Home Realm from the main menu.

With this, everything were restored. Thank you for the information. Cheers.

I am very appreciative of your support. I will continue to localize this game :)

Thank you for your reply.
Would you be more specific about "very quickly"?

Is it about 50 points per second?

This is the effect of "Worker Regen".

The ability regenerates a small amount of health constantly.

I think that's true.

This is the effect of "Regenerative Tissue" of Skarg.

The ability regenerates health when out of combat.

I think that's "very quickly".

And so, this is the effect of "Regenerative Tissue" of Behemoth.

The ability regenerates health when out of combat.

I think that's "slowly".

The following is my guess.

  1. Behemoth heals his health constantly because of Relentlless.
  2. Due to changes in health, it is regarded as being in combat.
  3. Therefore, Regenerative Tissue does not become active.

I'm sorry if I may be mistaken. Thank you and best regards.

Thank you for your consideration. It is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, I have found another parts that I can't translate in the Map editor.

I'd like to replace the 9th image with this one.

Please forgive my oversight. Thank you and best regards.

Hello. I created prioritized list.
Probably, this is the last opportunity to convey my wishes to you. (Because the patch 1.6 will be the final update.)
So, I wrote all my wishes here.

Priority 1st: We need the subtitles on video
This is absolutely necessary. Probably most Japanese players are skipping the video clip because there are no subtitles. Even I.
I believe this will be implemented in the near future.

2nd: Subtitles on Ending of HoG (debriefing of level-4)
This is also necessary for the same reason as above. Without subtitle, we can't understand what Mendechaus said.
e.g.) campaign_dlc1_outro_line1

3rd: Subtitles of startup voice of Mendechaus
This is not absolutely necessary, but I think that it would be better to have subtitles there. Mendechaus speaks several kinds of greetings. His greetings should be understood by more people.
e.g.) narrator_time_or_date_misc_line_001

4th: Enemy names in official campaign
If translation key about these names will be provided, the campaign would be more fun for us.
House Magnanimous (HoG)
The Enemy (Home Realm)
Mendechaus (Crucible)

5th: Underlord(AI) names in official campaign
Underlord Marcus (level-4)
Underlord Rhaskos (level-7)
Underlord Mira (level-10)
Underlord Kasita (level-12)
Underlord Draven (level-12)
Underlord Korvek (level-12)

6th: Player Names in official campaign
Underlord Oberon
Underlord Kasita

7th: AI Player Names in official skirmish map

8th: Theme names & Worker theme names

9th: faction name in Map editor
I should have told this to you the other day...

10th: The Dungeoneer's Guide & All that is Gold
I know this is impossible...

That's all. Please forgive me my lousy English. Thank you for your consideration.

I really appreciate your kindness. I don't know developers as friendly as you. I will respect you even if my wishes do not come true.

I promise to give you the list. Please give me a few days.

Thank you.

Thank you for explaining. I appreciate your consideration.

I hope that you can find a solution. :)

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