Your comments

ill let one of out OSX testers check this

huh no, that shouldnt be the case.

can you please check your "launch options" under properties in steam, delete everything there is. check the beta Tab under properties in steam and check that you are not in one of the Beta builds for the game.

also please go to your steam folder/Steamapps/common/war for the Overworld and check that none of the compability features of Windows are enabled. Please also check if any of the folders leading to WFTO and if the files inside the WFTO folder are write-only

not trying to get your hopes up but your last answer felt really odd.

this sounds like a lag issue to me then. that the VFX plays but no mana is substracted only shows that logically lightning is not cast. I wish i could give you a Solution to the lags, but sadly i cant.

The game is demanding, not because it looks incredible but because there is a lot of things going on at the same time.

Personally i dont have any trouble playing The the last campaign level so does nobody of my QA team. (ans some of them have vastly worse pcs then you)

can you do me a favor and measure your GPU/CPU temperature during the game and a Benchmark program like FurMark?

with your overclocking and the games demand this may be the problem.

ill have a look. can i ask if you were the client or the host?

After further testing this issue is true for all themes apart from:

Standard (working as intended)

Founders (only Floor tiles)

Evil Arcane (Walls, tiles and core)

and internal themes.

this has indeed be overlooked. thanks for your report !