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Hello Sigurd.

are you playing in steam offline mode per chance?

please try finishing the level while being online in steam if that is the case the level progression is build in via the level achievements and steam might have trouble communicating this in offline mode (this was at least the normal reason why others had encountered this.)

yes, im pretty sure now that it is related to steam not updating in real time. the amount of time (roughly 5-10 minutes) of steam correctly updating the workshop is the cause of this issue and that would be out of our hand.

so unless you point me to another issue with this i will complete it for now.

wrong status selected, we are checking this currently

this issue has been brought up but is currently somewhat on the back-burner due to developing new content. This will be addressed however either soon after 1.4 or at latest with the planned AI-overhaul.

i will mark this as complete, not because its fixed but because we are aware (thanks for that) and to clean up the backlog of userecho.

thanks for your report.

Please upload your save file.

the question is if other Unity games do the same regarding your temperature. Im sorry to say but we havent seen many reports about overheating since 1.2 (moving towards 1.4 now) as we continously improved performance.

please upload an output log of you playing the last level for a bit until it becomes unplayable, https://forum.subterraneangames.com/threads/please-read-how-to-report-a-bug.4689/#post-51529

here you can see where you find it, after that i will ask one of the coders to look at your log.

im sorry that the steam support is such a hard nut to crack -_-

thanks for your input on the OSX and i hope you have fun with the game !

i do not know why you have these security differences in your windows but the build number is sadly indeed the same.

it is very unlikely at this point that this is the cause then. I wish you luck for an answer from steam support -_-

sorry i couldnt help you.

This is really strange. do you have limited rights on your PC?

it could be that steam fails to update your files correctly. This is quite a stretch though and may not lead to it working.

Can you please check under Safety which kind of user has been limited to "read only"


im talking about this tab ( i have a german OS and wasnt sure about the translation)

im going to check the the build number on public on my end. thats a good pointer we sadly have to assume that this is is not the cause for your trouble if they are identical i fear.

yes that should do it.

well the reason for this issue could be easy.

the reason why the Intel iris was shown was probably due to you having a integrated Graphic card solution. For some user the incorrect GPU is used when they start a Unity game.

please try enabling your dedicated GPU:


issue 2. and come back to me if that does not solve your issue