
ok. issue 1 will take time, is it's still there, but issues 2 and 3 will but findable faster..... or should be. i'll be sure to let you know.

WFTO logs.zip
the zip is holding the output_log and error .txt files

another bug. this is from a loaded game.

the 2 guys in the red boxes are not attack-able.

3 bugs in need of fixing.

talking of unknown bugs, what is with this?

the game is not letting me attack.

that creature turned on it's owner befour i ended it by taking the core down

just tryed a 100% new map to me. the map goes to the right stop, but the save is hiding in the Scenario tab still

it didn't work. unsubed and resubed and redownloaded all maps from the workshop, then started the same map over and saved, but the new save is still living in the Scenario tab, not the Legacy tab. some seem to not go away once unsubed. what now?

now this getting into the walls?

nothing is getting done round here

going to get a level 10 good guy on my side and look what the bug did. i needed him.

hoe did this happen?

and the room is not mine, the empier has that room, so i can't do this

and if your going to ask, no this is NOT fake, this bug is in the game and did all this