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Hi Michael,

I'm sorry to hear you continue to have issues with the last level. We will be releasing v1.4 this month with some major improvements and changes. That is when I expect to see this issue resolved.

This is likely something to do with the Steam overlay and your chosen GPU drivers. Try using a few different versions of the drivers for your GPU. For example, a discussion with similar issues and some suggested steps to take: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/865845/-solved-ubuntu-15-04-games-crashing-after-installing-nvidia-drivers-/

Josh Bishop this is actually due to the orange team color simply being too close to red - The muted darker emissives of the walls and walls, as is necessary to not look really bad, turns the orange slightly more red.

I'm not sure what to do about this - Its a pervasive issue that I can only really see fixed via changing the orange team color itself.

Nice one! So it was the Steam library, interesting.

It shouldn't have anything to do with your local Mono installation as Unity3D (The 3D engine we're using) uses its own packaged version.

Full disclosure - I'm not sure what next steps I can offer here. The few Linux machines we have here run the game and the 3D Engine provides no debug tools to help us diagnose it further.

You could try disabling the steam overlay in: Right-click the game in Steam -> Properties.

The log does mention /usr/lib64/libasound.so as a potential area where the crash occurs. You could try updating your sound drivers.

If you're sick of trying to troubleshoot it further (Totally understandable) I want ot make sure you're aware that you should be still able to get a refund for the game - You can read more about it here.

Some research into Unity or Steamworks issues with the alsa-lib crash in your log comes up with a number of things. It appears it could be a graphics driver issue. Can you please try a few different versions of the mesa graphics drivers? http://www.mesa3d.org/

Hi N3ph,

Can you provide a description of what happens visually? Does the game load then instantly crash or does it sit there doing nothing forever?

Can you please make sure your graphics drivers are up to date, and consider looking at some of the steps here to help Steam launch properly: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Steam

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