התגובות שלך

Thanks for the report guys. Could you please take a look at this article and attach the listed log files for us to review? https://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/118-how-to-submit-a-bug-ticket/

Thanks for the detailed report. We'll check it out. :)

Hi Kamil,

I can see in the screenshots there that the Active Power Plan is set to Power Saving. You'll need to find out how to change that. You might be able to do that from the Windows Power Options.

Hey Kamil,

For some reason it looks like the Intel GPU drivers didn't update. Maybe try this specific driver download here and restart your laptop after install: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/26078/Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-10-and-Windows-7-8-1-15-40-?v=t

In addition to the AMD drivers you could also try updating your Intel GPU drivers: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/

Yep logs say its definitely not using the AMD GPU. Take a look in the Power -> Switchable Graphics Global options and see if its globally disabled. You could try updating the drivers too.

Hi Kamil. Sorry you're having such issues. According to the log it looks like the GPU being used is still the Intel GPU. I also noticed in your screenshot that you haven't set the coherentui_host.exe to High Performance as well. Try that.

Can you also upload the War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt file found in the same location as WFTOGame.exe?

We found an issue shortly after pushing the update which should be resolved now. Try validating the steam files once more.