Your comments

Yep there is a resolution bug for some users we're working on right this moment. You can manually fix this by editing the resolution in the Options.txt file found in the game install location (Usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\GameData).

If you're happy to wait, we intend to have a hotfix for this problem out within the next few hours or so.

Unfortunately the log says that the game itself is loading on the Nvidia GPU, but our UI system is running on the Intel GPU.

Additionally, you could try added the below text to the launch options in the steam properties for the game:


Try using this in the launch options:


That sounds odd. It sounds like your laptop software is fighting you giving control to NVidia software to run the game.

Thanks guys. We'll look into it.

If your monitor is reporting it is capable of over 60Hz you should see the option available in the resolution list.

Looks like you're running out of texture memory. Try reducing the texture resolution in the graphics settings.

I'll set this issue to solved. Let us know if we can help any further.

Hey guys,

Would you mind testing a theory for us?

Please follow the instructions found here on how to set a launch option and force the game to run in DirectX 9 mode (-force-d3d9).

Thanks for the additional information guys - Its really helpful and we hope to have this resolved for you ASAP.