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WFTO is a uniquely demanding game and one we'll not be able to optimise much further at the moment sadly. However, this might not mean you need to stay on the lowest texture resolution settings, it simply means you need to find the sweet spot. Try increasing it a little.

If you're able to get to the graphics settings, try setting the texture resolution to the minimum and see if that works.

Apologies for the continued issues here. I'll be honest - We're not sure what further help we can render at this point. This issue you're having has been solved for all of our users with the steps identified in the FAQ - Primarily the steps where you get your GPU drivers to run the game and the UI system on the powerful GPU.

As you said in your initial post, you've tried all of this to no avail. All I can suggest at this point is your triple-check those steps. We will be updating the UI system in a month or so to a new version. It may help, or it may not.

It upsets us to say this, as we really want you to experience the game, but at this point it may be in your best interest to refund the game through Steam and get your money back. I say this because I don't want you wasting your money on a game that may not work for you when the update comes out.

I know you said you tried this earlier, but could you please try the following and then give me the output_log again once you've run the game:

  1. Right click the game in your steam library and go to properties
  2. Click "Set launch options"
  3. Add the following in this box:

That really sucks. Could you please attach the latest output_log file? Cheers

Kundesupport af UserEcho