Pinned replies
Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Antwoord

Hello again

another user reported the issue fixed by setting the launch options to:

-force-d3d9 as described in the second topic i linked.

so i would suggest you try that first :)

Lee "Noontide" Moon
  • Completed - Resolved
Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Antwoord

Hello again

another user reported the issue fixed by setting the launch options to:

-force-d3d9 as described in the second topic i linked.

so i would suggest you try that first :)

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Pending Customer

this is a extremely rare occuring bug. User have reported that it is not happening in the missions itself if you can bear with the menu this way ( i do believe it should function as intended)

we are also working on a fix but its so rare that a bit more information would be appreciated.

can you please tell me your hardware specs, including your integrated and dedicated GPU if you have one?

also can you please check this:

and try the solutions for crashes and the laggy UI

if nothing helps can you please try the first 3 solutions of this thread seperately:

you help would be massively appreciated as it helps us finding the cause of this, also please upload an output log that you can find here:

x:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\War For The Overworld\WFTOGame_Data\output_log.txt