Slap counter script doesn't apply condition

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I created an event triggered by slapping certain unit for certain times.

Number value starts with 0

Slap counter script triggered "on slap"

Condition "is a unit" (manually selected from "Map Units" with the correct ID)

Action Add to number "Imp Slaps" by 1

when total is 7 an event is triggered.

But when testing the map, doesn't matter if I slap that spesific unit or even just right click anywhere on the map,

the slap counter is working and triggering the event.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Horned Reaper

I wanted this script to apply to a spesific unit, that's why the condition was set for "is unit" and selected from a party, which is spawned on start and the unit is renamed.

Perhaps that is the issue. Would you be so kind to test this particular setup with the given circumstances?

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

I put together a test scenario as the following:

On Slap (Default)
Condition: Is of type (Worker)
Action: Increase Number (Number 1)
Add number to string. (Number 1 + String)
Send Chat Message (String)

In my tests with this setup the slap would increment the number correctly only for workers. Does this work for your case?

I also didn't find that it triggered on right clicks. Shouldn't be the case for sure. I'll see if we can review your map at some point. :)