Consistent Launch Crash

  • Views 44 962
  • оновлений
  • Completed - Resolved

Hello Support Team,

I am experiencing a consistent crash upon launching the game: The game's logo displays and then the error occurs.

As per a suggestion I read elsewhere on the bugtracker, I have attempted running the game without having my USB-attached sound device connected. It has made no difference.


  • OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
  • Memory: 4096MB RAM
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 CPU, M 430 @ 2.27GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
  • GPU: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650

I'm sadly unable to provide my game's exact build as its stated in the game's main menu and the crash occurs before that, but I can at least say that its whatever Steam has available for download as per 25 December 2015. :)

Please find the log included here: error.log

Thanks for any assistance or commentary you can provide.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Completed - Resolved

Have Fun Icey! :D

I'll take great pleasure in making this as fixed now since we've resolved it :)


Hey guys!

After doing some research on the offending file, Kernelbase.dll, I ended up running Microsoft's integrated System File Checker, which detected Kernelbase.dll as being corrupted and remedied the problem. I'd never have guessed this could be a thing. D:

The game now runs as smoothly as can be desired and thus far I haven't encountered any issues with the game itself, nor do I expect to.

I want to thank you all very much for your time, suggestions and continued patience and leave you in the knowledge that I will be starting my campaign as the Underlord now!

Kind regards and a happy new year,


Stefan Furcht

I guessed you might have already tried that however I just wanted to make sure you did.
In case you didn't try to completely unplug it, it would be worth to check.
However I think we are through all known crash issues and you suffer likely something we didn't encountered so far.


Hey v0id,

My sound is usually routed through a uh... this USB device.

I'd seen that some issues have arisen for other users using a USB headset so I thought it prudent to run the game with my USB device disconnected prior to writing the initial post to this thread. I've also toyed with enabling and disabling the laptop's on board playback devices in the Control Panel, sadly to no avail. Please find a screenshot of my Playback settings included in this message, the active device is the one connected by USB.

Kind regards,


Stefan Furcht

You sound comes not from any USB device or does it?
You already confirmed you have no wireless USB headset but we just had a case where it was normal USB speakers.
What you can try is unplugging any USB audio device and start the game.

But I guess you have no USB audio device at all and your issue is different.
Just wanted to make sure it is not this issue for you.


In that case then, I would like to once more express my gratitude for all the suggestions you've offered and for the time/thought put into this issue. If nothing else, you've greatly helped me zero in on the core of the matter. :)

If you are no longer able to assist me with the problem then I will just have to make due myself. I will update this thread when possible if I do happen to find something that works for me that isn't just "I've acquired a new rig!" (Though you might see that line in a new thread because who knows what sort of trouble a new rig will bring along with it. ;D)

Though the suggestion does not come entirely as a surprise, applying for a refund is one thing I definitely will not do. When I purchased the game I was very excited to get under way with playing it and while the current situation is unfortunate, that desire has not diminished.

As such any further input that comes to mind will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


Stefan Furcht

I fear we do not know how to fix your very specific issue unfortunately.
If this is the only rig, you can use for playing the game, you might want to get a refund from Steam?
This should be possible as you didn't played the game yet (more than 2 hours).

Again sorry for all the troubles you got with this.


I do not have any active anti-virus software installed.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Well this at least confirms that the issue isn't with our code nor is it with Icey's graphics drivers or GPU - It never gets that far into initialization.

Icey - Do you have any kind of anti-virus or security software installed at all? If so, could you try disabling it temporarily and trying to play the game?

Stefan Furcht

It is an access violation in kernelbase.dll, so there is something going wrong deep in the operating system.
Thus the log does not tell us much for what we are looking and I am running out of ideas.
Do you have any other idea?