Crash in linux (post 2.0.1 update)

  • Views 32.512
  • updated
  • Completed - Resolved

I bought the whole package in the summer sale, and started to enjoy it. But it keeps crashing after ~5-10min. Always. It is the current version, and I thought a lot of fixes where issued with that. Also, after the crash (and even after I stopped the steam process), a process called "WFTOGame.x86_64" runs with about 4GB of memory in use. If start the game again, another process with the same name appears. What can I do to make this game run smoothly without crashing all the time. My stats are:

OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 
Kernel: 4.17.0-2-MANJARO 
WM: KWin 
CPU: Intel i5-6600K (4) @ 4.100GHz 
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 
Memory: 15984MiB 

What I tried so far:

Changing the resolution to the lowest and deactivated anti aliasing and the other option to recommended to deactivate. A crash log was not created, but a Player.log

Thanks for the help!


Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicates 3
Crash under Ubuntu 18.04
Avatar YS1

Since upgrading my computer from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04, WFTO crashes after some time playing a map. This happened both times I tried : once with a custom map (campaign from DK1) ; once in the HOG campaign.


Game is crashing after some minutes

I have a new problem since todays patch 2.0.1

WftO is crashing every few minutes (10 minutes) randomly

I uploded my player.log



If thats the case please try "previousmajorbuild"

  • Pending Third Party

This is a issue that has now been localised to the update of our 3rd party UI middleware. Please all move to the "LinuxStable" branch until further notice


LinuxStable branch works perfectly, thank you!


no crashes so far in the linuxstable branch

edit: even with steam overlay enabled

  • Pending Customer

Hey YS1,

This is a know issue that we are currently investigating, please in the meantime switch to the Linux stable branch. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Right-Click WFTO in Steam
  2. Click "Properties" in the drop down menu
  3. Navigate to the "Betas" tab in the Properties window
  4. Click the dropdown and select "LinuxStable"
  5. Close the windows and let the game update

This should mitigate the crashes until we have corrected this crash on the default branch

  • Pending Customer

We are releasing a patch later today/tomorrow that may fix this, when 2.0.3 is live can you please move back to the default beta branch by selecting "NONE" in the drop down and seeing if you continue to crash


I tried both

sry to say but 2.0.3 is still crashing

i could play for an hour

but than it crashed and if i reload the savegame is continues to crash after some time

the LinuxStable did not crashed

but it has my other show stopper bug

the circling Imps Bug

so thats not an alternative

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Marked for Review

Setting back for us to review and determine next steps. We believe that the crash is occurring due to recent versions of the Coherent GT Middleware. What we don't know is the factor behind why this is occuring as we are unable to replicate the crash on our own Linux machines.



would it help if we would collect some information about our used hardware?

maybe its one component or the desktop environment

As i already see the thread starter has has a more or less similar configuration like mine

different distribution and Kernel


Intel processor (it's the same)

Nvidia graphics (different model 750 / 950)

and we both use KDE

Did you tried this combination Intel / Nvidia and KDE on you test machines?

  • Pending Third Party

We are already able to replicate the crash, this has been passed onto our Middleware provider who are now investigating.