Workers unable to pick up KO/dead characters.

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OS: Windows 10 x64 Professional

Game version: Steam 2.0f9

Description: In level 9 - Belmorne's Pass and it seems that in level 10, too, the workers are unable to pick up any KO characters (enemies and allies alike) or carry dead bodies for the crypt.

Initially everything works fine, but after some time, things break and the workers are unabale to function normally.

They seems to try to pick up the bodies initially - they go to the KO/dead bpdy and seems to be picked up by dropped instantly (the bodies slightly moves position). After 2-3 attempts to pick up the body (body slightly shifts on each try), it is completely ignored subsequently.

Things I've tried:

  • selling and reconstructing the prison seems to work sometimes amd 2-3 enemies are carried to the prison and even carried to the crypt, but the stops again and it isn't consistent (sometimes dosen't work);
  • restarting the whole campain and reach to level 9 again: same problem occurs after 15-20 minutes of play;

I've linked here an output log.

I've linked here an archive of the savegame folders where that happens - the save named "Buggy" is where this behavior can be observed.

Thank you.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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  • Completed - Resolved

This should now be fixed but will not fix your broken savegame, sorry.

Let us know if it somehow happens again