cannot dig - fix the AMD card, now black screen. (not STEAM)

  • 수정됨
  • Completed - Resolved

Hello, I really want to play this game, but with Intel graphic i cannot dig or click anything and with AMD (as I had followed the setting od dedicated graphic card) I see only black screnn. Sadly, i bought the game on, not the steam, so I cannot (or dont know where) to put the -force-d3d9 command.... could you help me?

Game Version:

Please, Nutter, could you be so kind and tell me, where i can find this Coherent UI to switch it to high performace graphic? I tried to search for it, but i failed.



Hi again Vsechnospatne

The DxDiag is perfect thanks.

Just one more thing to check, when you forced the game to use your AMD Radeon card did you also ensure that Coherent UI also uses it? A black screen like that suggests that it's Coherent UI itself (which handles all of the menu screens and buttons, etc) that is failing rather than the game itself.

The other thing I should make you aware of now that i've seen the DxDiag is that even your better (non-Intel) graphics card is slightly below the minimum requirements for the game. Your Radeon R7 M370 scores a rating of 1395 on the benchmarking website, which is less than the 1500 rating recommended as a bare minimum so that won't be helping matters either, so if/when we do manage to get the game working i'd expect you'll have to run it on the absolute lowest settings and close as many background programs as possible to play.


DxDiag specification  hope, this is what you need... :)


That's a shame, I was hoping it would be an easy fix. I'll get one of the devs to take a look on Monday morning then.

In the mean time can you post your system specs so we can get an idea what kind of rig you're playing on.


Nutter, thanks You a lot for trying to help me. I wrote the -force-d3d9 (and the 11 and the 12 variants afterwards) to the shortcut, but screen was as back as before, just music and voice of narrator welcomed me again in dark dungeon (what an ironic man..). I tried to switch to Intel graphic chip, which can run the game and run the campaign, but I can still just stare at the imps running around my dungeon heart and I even cannot slap the not digging running bastards.... so sad..

Andrew "Nutter" Jaggar
  • Pending Customer

Hi Vsechnospatne

Sorry you're having problems, the developers are currently out of the office (as it's already the weekend in the UK) so you might not get a reply from them before Monday.

In the mean time, I did a quick google (as I didn't know how you do this kind of thing either) and this link looks like it might be able to help you (even though it's for a different game).

In case you can't view the link, it looks like you edit the shortcut (to the game) on your desktop to include the -force text on the end of the shortcut link.

So if you don't mind, maybe give that a try and see if it helps at all?

If not let us know and i'll make sure the devs take a look at your issue on Monday (if not before then)

Hope it fixes it, but if not just drop us a reply and we'll try and assist further.

- Nutter