Units get stuck inside walls and the game slows down badly. Cannot collect or return to home.

  • opdateret
  • Completed - Resolved

When playing the game, when my army amasses and I become ready for the offensive the game suddenly drops to a crawl and I have random units stuck in walls. I try everything like wormhole potions and return to base spells as well as simply picking them up to no avail. This has blighted me over various PC's.

Game Version:
Steam Public

No, thank you for looking at it. It happens so predictably yet no one else mentions it. It must be the way I play the game!

  • Accepted

Thanks for the report, this is more than enough to get this sorted, we will keep you posted


Bug ReportWFTO Bug report.zipHi, please find attached my save game where a crackpot got stuck in the wall. I was actually able to rescue him with a recall spell but if I don’t notice they get annoyed then stay there. Even after a return the game gets so laggy. What’s more, sometimes blood money, wormhole, picking up and recalling refuses to work and I am forced to quit after this happens simply as the game becomes unusable due to the lag. I think I have a high spec machine and only used mutators this time for speed in creating a save file. It happens on my other PC too which is a little lower spec! Thanks for looking into it.

Specify your platform

OS Windows

Version 10 64 bit

Ram 48.0 GB

CPU - 6 independent Intel Xeon CPU E5-2650 0 @ 2.00GHz processors

GPU NVidia Titan X

HD- 4 SATA 2TB with part SSD in RAID 0 Config


Sure, I will also have a blast of the game too now and wait for the problem to create a save file then send the lot. I think it is because i get more pleasure out of building than attacking and it happens after maybe 30 mins :)

  • Pending Customer

Hey Jonathan,

Could I get your system specs, save file and output_log, this guide will help you get that: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket