Mission 7: Final objective doesn't complete after beating the priestesses

  • обновлен
  • Completed - Resolved

I have defeated all the waves of dwarves, Rhaskos' core is at 5000/25000 and has taken zero damage, and every single dwarf is wiped off the map.

I captured and converted the boss dwarf, and captured and converted three out of four priestesses.

I've beat the level once before so I know the event is supposed to trigger and spawn the hand of kira, but it never does. Not sure what happened differently this time, the level is easy enough to complete.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Дубликаты 1
campagne lvl 7

bonjour, je viens de terminer le niveau 7 de la campagne mais impossible de mettre fin a la campagne et pourtant j'ai tout visiter, tout tué etc

[Dev] Nanorock

Hello Steven, sorry to hear you also get the issue. We have hard time replicating the problem. Did your units killed the door next to the priestess ?
For now you can save and simply load. If the door is missing the level will end =)

Steven Trigg

I'm also having this issue. I've played this level through twice and can't finish it. I did get a crash on an earlier level but probably not related. I had built all the different rooms and took each enemy room one by one before taking the center. I let my imps convert the room until the large door was removed then killed the priestesses. At this point it would just let me play on, torture the prisioners etc.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager

We're aware a few people have been suffering from this issue. We've been investigating it for a few days but so far have not been able to replicate ourselves.

If possible could you include an output log from the session and a save file from before the end event is intended to occur.

Since our previous attempt to fix the issue it should be possible to proceed by saving the game after the end event is meant to occur and then loading that same save.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Accepted