Vampires & Arena

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I'm not sure if its a bug, oversight or simply bad design choice but if player puts 2 or more vampires together in arena then they will fight forever.

This basically dismisses entire effort needed to maintain them and gives player unbalanced way to gain "titan level" overpowered units.

They are always at 100% blood, they dont need to eat prisoners because player can just keep them forever in arena until he uses rally flag.

They quickly level to 10.

They dont take gold while fighting in arena so player can basically never pay them because they are either fighting at rally flag or in the arena.

They never get unhappy or rebel when fighting in the arena no matter how long they are there.

Proper fix would be to not allow them to fight in the arena (make them not droppable there) and only allow them to train in barracks so they still need to eat prisoners and pickup gold from treasury or rebalance vampires altogether.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Stefan Furcht

Josh Bishop what shall we do about this?


I have noticed this problem too. With respect, I think that this may be a solution worth considering too:

Change the vampire's healing ability entirely. The vampire NO LONGER heals every time it hits an opponent. This makes it vulnerable to other minions and means that a vampire v. vampire battle is not an ultimate stalemate (at the moment, a somewhat low-levelled vampire is able to match a titan, tested this with Bohser). Instead: vampires heal When they kill an enemy. They only receive 75% of the enemy's total health. Notice I used the word 'kill'. This means that any enemy which the vampire 'defeats' is killed. This mechanic would apply in arenas as well (solving the infinite training exploit). Thus, any enemy killed in the arena by the vampire would be Killed. So vampires could be trained but at this cost or with micromanaging.

I would also suggest reworking the blood mechanism. Instead of vampires rebelling (which is very annoying), what if vampires started to lose health constantly instead? Thus, they could be healed when not in war.

I agree that defences/constructs should not heal the vampire, nor should it reset its 'blood level'. However, if we consider the new healing mechanic and death mechanic I suggested, I see no reason why the arena cannot sustain a vampire per se. If I understand it correctly, at present one must be in constant war in order to keep a vampire happy. Given the sacrifices already required, this seems slightly onerous.

Whilst fixing the vampire, I think that the archon should be fixed too. As noted by Bohser, we noticed that the archon has an insane healing capacity. I think that a cap could be added to the maximum amount of health a vampire/archon may heal from a given action. I think that 2,500 health for an archon and 5,000 health for a vampire (given that it must kill to heal if this new mechanic is accepted) is reasonable. Thanks for reading.

Josh Bishop

Stefan Furcht Putting this on hold til I'm back then we'll have a meeting about it.

Stefan Furcht

Alright :)


Josh Bishop should we take another look for 1.6

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We are not currently considering this but may revisit it in the future