Rtiuals bugged in mutliplayer

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  • Completed - Resolved

Current Public steam build

Bug is client only

Here is how it works correctly as host or in singleplayer:

Click on ritual to research it -> minions move to sanctuary and research it -> activate ritual -> cooldown on ritual research begins and have to wait till its over to start researching another ritual (rituals are greyed out in the ritual tab and cannot be clicked on) -> repeat

Here is how its bugged for client in multiplayer:

Click on ritual to research it -> minions move to sanctuary and research it -> activate ritual -> another ritual can be researched right away because there is no visible cooldown on ritual tab (only on top of the screen) -> ritual gets stuck because cooldown isnt done yet -> wait till cooldown on top of the screen is done then cancel ritual and try to research it again

Workaround: wait till cooldown on top of the screen is done before trying to research another ritual

Game Version:
Steam Public

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When playing as client I don't get the "visual brown-grey cooldown" on the bottom interface after using avarice. It stays same all the time. I do get it when playing as host or in single player (just like in your screenshot).

Stefan Furcht

Yea I understand, but in my screenshot I played as client and had this cooldown visuals.
So this part works for me, what does not work occassionally is that cultists sometimes ignore the new ritual, when it was queued during cooldown for the client.


Yes, but its not "sometimes" for me. They will ALWAYS ignore when cooldown is done it If i try to queue it during cooldown.

You said that "it is intended that the player can select a new ritual during cooldown, it simply just starts once the cooldown is over." How is that intended If i cant do it as host or in singleplayer?

Stefan Furcht

You should be able to do that in single player or as host otherwise I start to believe your game must be corrupted because I promise it works fine for me, however I did not test public version.
But even in internal version client ritual start while sanctuary is in cooldown is broken.
And I am right now on fixing this.

Stefan Furcht
  • Completed - Next Patch
Stefan Furcht

This was one of the weirdest timing issues I ever encountered.
But the problem was that the servers current state was unclear when the clients request for the ritual arrived.
So it could happen that the cool down on server did not yet start or was not yet over.
Additionally the current ritual did stop it self a tick later than it was replaced by the client and thus stopped the new ritual on server while the client was thinking it would still be there.
And while debugging the order of events got changed, so that it was hard to debug.

Now all cases of off timings between client and server are handled properly.
From next patch this should not happen again.

Thanks for reporting.


There is one more thing I forgot to mention. On very rare ocasions rituals would get stuck completly and even canceling them didnt help. I was unable to use rituals until the game ended but that happened maybe 2-3 times out of 100 games.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved