[Linux] Black screen then crash

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  • Completed - Resolved

I am experiencing a startup Crash on Arch Linux x64.

Double click it in steam i get a black fullscreen window and then 5 seconds later it crashes.

Its the first time that i try to run the Game so it never worked on my current system before.

I tried verifying game data, different Graka driver (newest from arch repo and one half a year ago), reinstalling game and every howto fix that i found with google.

Here is my Player.log .

Game Version:
Steam Public
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
Quote from Panslothda

Hey Lee

Did the code team figure anything out?

Sorry if i am stressing you guys over there. Take all the time you need :)

Hi Panslothda,

Sorry I'm only just getting around to this tonight (actually at home but we're quite busy)

Unfortunately we're swamped at the moment, I've not really been able to catch anyone to take a look. As soon as someone comes free I'll grab them.

Quote from Lee "Noontide" Moon

Hi Panslothda,

Sorry to hear about your issue launching the game we'll do our best to get you in as soon as possible though diagnosing issues on Linux can prove difficult sometimes.

I'll be talking to the code team tomorrow and we'll take a look at the log you provided. In the meantime you can have a look at these articles: Startup Crashes, General Crash Troubleshooting and How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

For troubleshooting steps to try and additional information that might be good for us to have.



Hey Lee

Did the code team figure anything out?

Sorry if i am stressing you guys over there. Take all the time you need :)


Hi Lee

I read through those articles before i posted :), The startup Crashes Articel features one setion that applies and well.... To install .net framework on Linux... Dunno man ;) That's up to steam i cant really do much manually there.

The General Crash Troubleshooting i followed trough on every step from restarting to reinstalling etc before Posting.

The How to submit a Bug i followed as well, the only thing i didn't include are my Hardware Specs:

x64 Arch Linux (4.7.2-Arch Kernel)


4 Gigs of Ram


The only log that gets generated is the Player.log and its always the same when i try to launch the game. I get a unity Folder as well but that one is empty and doesn't have anything inside beside empty sub folders.

Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer

Hi Panslothda,

Sorry to hear about your issue launching the game we'll do our best to get you in as soon as possible though diagnosing issues on Linux can prove difficult sometimes.

I'll be talking to the code team tomorrow and we'll take a look at the log you provided. In the meantime you can have a look at these articles: Startup Crashes, General Crash Troubleshooting and How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

For troubleshooting steps to try and additional information that might be good for us to have.

