Your comments

I guessed you might have already tried that however I just wanted to make sure you did.
In case you didn't try to completely unplug it, it would be worth to check.
However I think we are through all known crash issues and you suffer likely something we didn't encountered so far.

I applied a quickfix which will allow to view importable maps again.
However this is just fixing the symptoms and not the root cause.
I am waiting for a mate who is away between the years to figure how this case can even happen as it shouldn't.

Not matter what the issue will be resolved for you with next update.

There was indeed an issue with serialization of the spit roasts filling level.
The value was cached in a separate variable which was not saved.
While the real value was correctly stored after a reload it was using the then invalid cached value.

We have fixed this problem now internally and it will be patched with next update.

Thanks again for reporting the issue and the useful hints to narrow the problem down!

You sound comes not from any USB device or does it?
You already confirmed you have no wireless USB headset but we just had a case where it was normal USB speakers.
What you can try is unplugging any USB audio device and start the game.

But I guess you have no USB audio device at all and your issue is different.
Just wanted to make sure it is not this issue for you.

I fear we do not know how to fix your very specific issue unfortunately.
If this is the only rig, you can use for playing the game, you might want to get a refund from Steam?
This should be possible as you didn't played the game yet (more than 2 hours).

Again sorry for all the troubles you got with this.

Thanks a lot for those hints! :)
Will reinvestigate tomorrow

It is an access violation in kernelbase.dll, so there is something going wrong deep in the operating system.
Thus the log does not tell us much for what we are looking and I am running out of ideas.
Do you have any other idea?

I would really like to get a gist why it does not even manage to load any basics before it crashes for you.
Seems it's really an hard to resolve problem which I do not understand yet.

But can you save the game when it happens and upload the save game?
I hope it still happens after loading the save game, so that we have a way to reproduce.

Maybe you guys have a save game where the issue occurs you can share with us?

To retrieve and upload your save game, go to your steam installation and find the following subfolder:
<Steam Installation Directory>\Steam\userdata\<your steam user ID>\230190\remote

This folder contains all your save games, pick the one which starts with the level name you saved and with the modify date when you saved the game.
Pick both files, the one without ending and .meta and upload it here.

Maybe so we can look into the problem you encounter.

Thanks for your help

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