Your comments

We found an issue in your logs which would only happen if the retrieval of achievement data from Steam does fail.

This could in consequence cause the current UI page to not respond anymore.

We do not know why this retrieval fails, it could be due to an issue with the Steam Client (Reinstall of steam could help), or any Antivirus or Firewall blocking the retrieval (in this case addding an Exception probably helps).

So while this issue remains a little mystery, we made sure that this error can not break the UI for next patch.

So in case it happens again after next Patch you should still be able to play, but the Achievements sub menu under "Extras" will not work, if achievements can not be retrieved from Steamworks.

Thanks for letting us know.

I had a quick look but can not really explain this.
Are you 100% sure there were no actual Banshees involved that attacked you somewhere?
(The "bombarded by Banshee" lines can only play if any of the attackers contains "Banshee" in their name, but the Vampires ability spawns a unit with name "Spirit_Vampire" which would not match)

We can only show one range but the activation effect got priority over the passive effect in such case.

Hey GolanVI,

Der Fehler der auftritt: 
> Workshop item (1566xxxxxxxx) update failed:k_EResultFail

deutet auf ein Problem mit dem Steamklienten selbst hin.

Normalerweise kann das Problem mit einer Neuinstallation von Steam behoben werden,

in selteneren Faellen liegt es an einem Antivirusprogramm das den Upload blockt,
manchmal ist Winsock falsch configuriert.
> In der Zwischenzeit habe ich Steam deinstalliert und neu installiert. War for the Overworld, habe ich von Steam erneut runtergeladen, um zu testen, ob es einen Fehler gibt. Nach der Neuinstallation erhalte ich die gleiche Fehlermeldung beim Veröffentlichungsversuch.

Das hilft eigentlich in den meisten Faellen, probier mal bitte noch weitere Loesungvorschlaege die im folgenden Link angeboten werden, die sollten auch bei diesen Problem Abhilfe schaffen:

Sag bescheid, ob's geplappt hat.

Seems one issue here is user feedback, I figured that the activity in tooltip is not correctly shwon and always remains "Idle" while Vampires try to eat.
In next patch it will correctly show "Drinking Blood" as intented.

Now that this is done, I just fail to reproduce the other issue.
I loaded your save and when I drop either of the two Vampires on the side of either prison they do eat for me.
Maybe it was hard to see that it happens, as I saw a Vampire first teleporting some tiles along the prison before entering it and drinking blood from a prisoner.
At least the wrong tolltip is fixed, but let me know if you have any reliable steps to reproduce the other issue and I can take a second look.

Hello DiogenesCynicalDogo,

The impacted statues were found with first doing a bounds query on the physics and then filtering out what is in radius,
but it was setting the bounds to (radius, radius, radius), so only half the size of what was needed to assure the full radius.

Thanks for reporting, this will be fixed in next Patch.

There was a check prevening Shockwave on any lowered ground below zero.
This was because for a long time the only rooms that were lower are Slaughterpen, Prison and Arena.
By not allowing Shockwave on lower ground we were able prevent kicking livestock around which does not have proper collision and thus would end up in surrounding walls.
However meanwhile we tweaked hights for many rooms, so even Garrison has low ground on its tiles,
and thus the old check is not feasible anymore.

We solved the issue now differently.
Livestock does just die when hit by a Shockwave but in exchange we allow Shockwave to be basically applied everywhere.
This change comes with next patch.

Thanks for letting us know.