Your comments

I just switched my game to russian language and tried it again and it worked.

In this screenshot my work shop map "Sorry Test can be removed" is correctly highlighted.
The text is white and has a white border, unlike in your screenshot.

I just tested creating a map, publishing it to steam and importing it and it worked fine for me at least.

Sorry I had a bit issues to understand the english.

Well in the screen shot there is a map preview image shown on the right side but no map in the list is highlighted (brighter text + brighter border) to show it is selected.
I thought you were reporting that the "Import" button does not turn white when you select a workshop map.
(Which made no sense to me, because the UI does not make a difference about which map selected and it should not matter which one you select, the button should always turn to white after selecting a map)

So what is the exact Problem?

You select the map you want to import from the list, it is highlighted and the "Import" button is white, but then you click on it but nothing happens?

Hey why did you posted this twice, like here and there ?

From the screen shot this looks correct.
You need to select a map from the list first, only then the "Import" button turns from gray to white.
(Because otherwise it wouldn't know which map to import)
This should not depend on the map.
If the button becomes white for any selected map in any tab it will turn to white for every map.

Or did I misread/misinterpret what you said?

Hey Dark,
The hellfire poition can only be used in your area of influence (your claimed land + 1 tile around not owned by the enemy)
and only if there is at least one destroyable block in 1 tile range around the drop spot.
When you drop it it will massively damage or destroy blocks in 1 tile range.
Limitted ways to drop it but it is quite powerful.

However to get a rid of potions in your hand, you can always put them back to empty cauldrons in your alchemy lab.
This also works by dropping potions on the cauldron slab in the potion tab, so you not need to pan your view back to the alechemy lab. In this case it will randomly find an empty cauldron to put it back.


Hello Keegan,
what you describe is typical for having less available RAM than stated in the minimum requirements.
When a save game is created all relevant state information is put into RAM before written to hard disk.
This is a thing which can fail on bigger maps for users having below 4GB RAM and then no save game will be created.
Also the game can crash on large maps with a lot of stuff when the game runs out of memory.
So not enough RAM is the most likely cause in your case.

To be sure we would need to take a look at your output_log.txt
This file is recreated on each play session, so after you triggered the problem do not restart the game and upload the log here.
Read here how to find and upload it:

However if we figure it is insufficient RAM then you can only upgrade your system or you need to quit all other programs/processes which use much RAM while playing, lower texture quality and playing lower resolution and avoid to play large maps with many players/objects on it to circumvent out of memory issues.

Hope this helps!

Hrm, it should have worked, but you couldn't do a spiral or any similar trick.
The room would need more than the half length of the long tavern in terms of covered map width or map height.
To be more exact, if you put an rectangle around the entire tavern floor room, the rectangle put around the room you need to build must have at least half of the area than the rectangle around this tavern floor.

However this is a complicated workaround and it shouldn't take long before the patch comes out.

Cheers :)

Hello Dark,
first of all thank you for this excellent bug report.
It contains all information one could wish to track down a problem.
This is not self-evident nowadays :)

I have loaded your save game and got the exact same behaviour.
The warning popup is there to prevent the game from crashing when something went utterly wrong.
As far I could figure you saved your game with something in your hand which died/was destroyed before you saved.
While this case can happen under rare circumstances, it is handled correctly while just playing the game.
But the deserialization routine was not able to handle data stored in this odd state and was thus trying to access a null reference.

We have now fixed that such cases can cause issues with save games.
A patch removing the issue should come in a couple of days.

However I was able to "repair" your save game.
After fixing the issue locally i quickly dropped what you had in your hand and saved again, so that this issue is circumvented.
Simply put it into the folder where you took the other save games, then quit+restart steam
and you should find it in load menu "Campaign" under "Dark 7 fixed loading issue".
Here are the files:

Cheers and Thank you for reporting :)

Thank you and please add any additional info you have (eg. questions above).