Linux Game launches on secondary display

  • bijgewerkt
  • Completed - Resolved

My setup on Ubuntu, my displays are primary 1920 x 1080 and Secondary 1200 x 1920 (portrait mode). The game no matter what I do launches on the secondary display in 1920 x 1080 and being as it is a portrait display I can only see a slither of the game screen. I cant even read the setting menu because it off the side of the 1200 wide portrait screen.

I now have close to a dozen linux steam games and this is the only one that insists on launching on a secondary monitor.

I've reinstalled the game. Reinstalled Ubuntu 14.04 / 15.04 and are now on 15.10. Same problem everytime.

This has been the case for me since beta. I just gave up on the game and check sometimes when I feel like playing and its still broken.

Game Version:
Steam Public

Hoe zou u deze aangeboden service beoordelen?

Satisfaction mark by Marten B 8 jaar geleden

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Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Antwoord
  • Accepted

Hey Marten,

I have made a special build of the game for you that hopefully fixes part or all of your issue. You can access this build by opting into our beta branch as instructed below.

Right click the game in Steam and go to Properties. In the Betas tab, type in the password 'publicpassword' and hit Check Code. Select the 'publictestbranch' in the dropdown box above and then close the window. Steam should perform an update.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Hi Marten,

Just today I managed to find and resolve a couple of bugs relating to setting the correct monitor and resolution. We had not intended to push a patch until v1.4 in a months' time, but I'll see about pushing out a hotfix for you tomorrow. No body likes a buggy game! ;)

Marten B

Lets see :).. I wil give it a day or so and tap in again.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • Antwoord
  • Accepted

Hey Marten,

I have made a special build of the game for you that hopefully fixes part or all of your issue. You can access this build by opting into our beta branch as instructed below.

Right click the game in Steam and go to Properties. In the Betas tab, type in the password 'publicpassword' and hit Check Code. Select the 'publictestbranch' in the dropdown box above and then close the window. Steam should perform an update.

Marten B

Hi Scott

The beta hangs on launch for me.



Stefan Furcht

Hello Marten,
I edited your posts because they did include logs as plain text.
As said before please attach them as file to not bloat the written text of user information.
Here is what I did:


Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

That is odd. It is launching on our test Linux machines. Could you please try the following:

1. Perform a game data scan to ensure you've got all the update files. In Steam for the game, go to its Properties -> Local Files and then click on Verify Integrity of Game Cache.

2. In the game directory browse to the WFTOGame_Data directory and open the Settings.ini file for editing. Find and change the following properties like so:


Try launching the game. If it succeeds, proceed to change the settings as you wish in the game settings menu.

If this fails, perform step 2 again. But unplug one of your monitors and tell us what happens.

Thanks for your patience so far Marten.

Marten B

Hi Scott

I could not get the beta version to launch it hangs with the loading progress bar close to half way complete even if I disable my second display.

Editing the setting file did not make a difference. My edits remained saved but the game still launched full screen.

After switching back to the current live version of the game it runs again but still in an incorrect resolution.

Stefan Furcht

This hotfix version does work for me in my Ubuntu virtual machine.
We thought it hangs for you only because of the weird 3K screen size setup
and thought by editing the settings it will work for you as well.

Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer

Hey Marten,

Would you mind uploading the log after trying to launch the beta game again? Seems the one above is cut off and doesn't have the entire log text in it.

Marten B

Well I switched back to the beta and it now works. Game launchs on the correct display and resolution.


