Linux Game launches on secondary display

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  • Completed - Resolved

My setup on Ubuntu, my displays are primary 1920 x 1080 and Secondary 1200 x 1920 (portrait mode). The game no matter what I do launches on the secondary display in 1920 x 1080 and being as it is a portrait display I can only see a slither of the game screen. I cant even read the setting menu because it off the side of the 1200 wide portrait screen.

I now have close to a dozen linux steam games and this is the only one that insists on launching on a secondary monitor.

I've reinstalled the game. Reinstalled Ubuntu 14.04 / 15.04 and are now on 15.10. Same problem everytime.

This has been the case for me since beta. I just gave up on the game and check sometimes when I feel like playing and its still broken.

Game Version:
Steam Public

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Scott Richmond Programmer & Producer
  • 답변
  • Accepted

Hey Marten,

I have made a special build of the game for you that hopefully fixes part or all of your issue. You can access this build by opting into our beta branch as instructed below.

Right click the game in Steam and go to Properties. In the Betas tab, type in the password 'publicpassword' and hit Check Code. Select the 'publictestbranch' in the dropdown box above and then close the window. Steam should perform an update.

Stefan Furcht

It should at least work if in-game settings and what is set in the config window does match.
Did it match and it still didn't work?
If so, this is very strange, could you then upload your Player and Launcher logs as described here:


Marten B

I tried the launch options.

-adapter N Does nothing it launchs on the secondary display reguardless. I tried N=0,1,2

-show-screen-selector I have a DVI0 and DVI1 to choose from which works but the resolution is still messed up even when I select 1920x1080. The windowed check box did not work. It was always full-screen mode. I tried lower and higher resolutions to test, all have the same messed up partial screen viewable only.

Stefan Furcht

I just would like to know if it helped to solve the problem?

Stefan Furcht

Can you try the following link:

Just start the game with this parameter and then select your first screen.

Marten B

With dancing around I can get it full screen but everytime I start the game I have to mess with it to get it going. Watch this

Stefan Furcht

I am sorry for answering late, but we have no Linux experts in the core team and we struggle right now to get in contact to experienced Linux users in our volunteer QA Team.
However maybe things which can be done on Windows translate to Linux, I just hope.
1) In Windows you can drag a pragram in windowed mode to any screen and then you can toggle it to fullscreen.
The OS remembers the screen the program was last running on and will always automatically start it on this one.
2) A second solution is to create a shortcut for the game (with steam) and drag it on the screen the program should open.
If the shortcut is opened from the wanted screen, this same screen is used to run the game by default.
3) At least in Windows its possible to hold down the right SHIFT key while clicking on "Play" in Steam. Just hold it down until a little configuration window opens which allows to select screen, set resolution and indowed/fullscreen mode before the game starts it self.

In Windows once you switched the screen successfully once, the program will always open on the same screen until the screen is manually switched again.

I hope any of this helps for now.
We still try to get hold on a Linux expert who should be able to help better.


Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Under Review