Campaign mission 9

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Got stuck on mission 9. Cleared everything, killed all enemies, claimed everything that could be claimed but the victory trigger never fired.

Here is my thread on steam:

Not sure if it helps or not but on my first attempt I was assaulting the outpost and clashed with one of the waves. Both I and the enemies retreated for a good while before I again assaulted the outpost. Maybe it is possible that because I pushed back some of the units that a subsequent wave did not spawn?

Note: I might be wrong and those units were just native to the outpost anyway.

9 belmorne's pass_20160528014901.meta 9 belmorne's pass_20160528014901

Game Version:
Steam Public
Duplicados 1
Level 9) Belmorne's Pass:Empire Glitch

I didn't have an issue playing the level and countering the empire, and I didn't get intricate with traps like most people apparently do for this level. Actually, i didn't start using them until after I encountered what seems to be a glitch. I killed every wave thrown at me and imprisoned some of the enemies, turned them to gold, tortured them, etc. I finally gathered enough strength to breach the walls on the East side and then capture the gateway. Unfortunately, even after capturing the damn thing it constantly spawns 2 level 1 dwarves, as soon as they die another 2 will spawn. I tried finding anyone else having this same issue but most of the post on reddit or steam are people complaining about not being able to beat the level because they get killed. I did find a few post complaining about the empire units getting stuck in walls or the prison and the game not ending because of that. I sold my prisons and dug out the walls while dealing with the constant annoying spawn. Still no victory. What the hell is going on? Have I completely missed the objectives?

Jan - Eric Merzel
Quote from Soppe

I can only assume you are replying to my post.

The problem occurred at level 9, but my session for the day started at level 7. You seemed to be interested in at what level my session started, hence why i mentioned it.

yes it was an answer to you, sorry for being unclear.

thanks that may give a pointer to the issue at hand. i was worried for a second that c7 has issues as well, thanks for the clarification


Slightly similar situation now on Heart of Gold level 3. Destroyed one of the Hero Gateways and it still constantly spawns 1 dwarf.

Kris Bloe (Custard)

I too have this problem.

I had saved mid-game, quit, then reloaded.

Interestingly, all the waves had finished so I broke through to the east. I made sure nothing got past, but, randomly, the counter increased from 0 to 2/10 as my minions were crossing the large bridge. I reloaded as I assumed I'd let something past, but it happened again. Exactly the same.

After getting all the way across to the right and clearing everything, the counter then jumped again, to 4/10!

Hope that helps.


Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Completed - Resolved

We made a change to this level in Patch 1.4.1 Please let me know if you have any further issues.