imps wont pick up ko'ed enemies

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Hello, My imps won't pick up ko'ed enemies on a custom map i'd made. this has happened in the past, and i verified local files, found 7 files that needed to be re downloaded.  happened on 9/19/2021. i loaded the saved map in question where i left off and it was still happening, so i'll try to restart it and see what happens. i remember this used to happen alot . even so, bravo i love this game! Thanks for bringing it to us! im a huge fan!

Game Version:
Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Pending Customer


If possible could you drop in a save file where this issue is occuring. Unfortunately it's likely to be quite low priority but I'll drop it into our backlog anyway to see if we can't take a look next time we have a wander through.

How to: Locate your save files



Lee "Noontide" Moon Designer & Community Manager
  • Cannot Replicate