Game will not start level, just revolves around dungeon core (or 1st objective), no speech, no UI, no nothing.

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  • Completed - Resolved

I hate to repeat myself, so please look here:

Fix is included after the angry ramblings.

Game Version:
Steam Public
Peter Austin

Hello - every time I visit this page, it seems to use a different profile. I find no way to log back in as my previous ID.
At lunchtime, it was my profile and now it is G+ - last night was gravatar. Idk what that's about.

Replying quickly, as I have just received email notification:

If you would please be patient, I have been working today and will probably be working for another 14-16 hours, joy of life (pls kill me) and will find time to submit a "proper" bug report, attach files req. files, and maybe able to attach video of the bug - along with whatever else you require - when I am back at home, fed and rested.

Short reply - yes, I've found a workaround solution (restarting the game).
No, it's not fixed (it can be reproduced on my system).
C) there's apparently some other issue that is causing the logfile to fill with 17 pages of the same error message, that gets worse the longer I play the game.

I was very tired when writing that thread, and I am very tired now. Probably will be when I make the next post. Lots of incoherent typing.
I will update with all those files and things and a structured, coherent response when I am able (within next 24 hours) - thanks for your reply, Jan-Eric - it is not possible to prioritise higher at this moment, my apologies.

Thanks again,

Jan - Eric Merzel
  • Pending Customer

Hello Pete

i have some trouble understanding your issue in the thread, did you solve it now or not?

With regards to the bug report if you can submit as much detail as you can to User Echo that would help us greatly. (Even if it's copy paste) Upload any files as well (such as the output log).

you can easily post a new message with these details after this as you can not edit your message, thanks.